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शब्दकोश - कार्यालयीन
Type: Dictionary
Count : 3,346 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

I.B.M. Machine Operator   i.c.t. machine operator   Identity card   I fully agree with the office note, orders may be issued   I have been directed to inform you/ request you/ask you   I have no further comments   I have no remarks to offer   i have satisfied myself   I have the honour to say   I have the least hesittion   illegal   illegitimate demands   immediate action   immediate disposal of the case is requested   immediately after   immediately before   immediately below   impartial decision   Implementation Cell   implementation of....   implementing the decision   implication of rule   important papers   impose   impracticable proposal   inability to agree   in accordance with   in addition to.....   inadmissible claim   in aid of   in anticipation of   in any case   in any form   in appreciation of....   in as much as   in association with   inaugurated by......   in bank's interest   incapable of...   in case it appears   in case of doubt   in case of failure   in case of need   in case of violation   in certain cases   Incharge of Group Inspection Department   In charge Reconciliation   Incidental charges   incidentally it may be stated   incidential expenditure   incipient problems   inclusive of ....   incomplete work   in compliance with   in confirmation of.......   in conformity of....   in connection with   in consequence of .....   in consultation with.....   in contemplation of ....   in continuation of ......   in contravention of ......   inconvenience caused to you is much regretted   incorporated in the draft   incorrectly stated   in course of ....   in course of business   Increment   incumbent of an office   in default of ......   indefinite period   indemnification   indepth study   in detail   individual cases will be decided on merits   In due course   Industrial Adviser   Industrial and Export credit Department   Industrial Relations and Discipline Cell   Industrial Trainee   ineffective   inefficiency   ineligible   in exceptional circumstances   in excess of ....   in exercise of ......   in exercise of the powers conferred by......   in fact   in fairness   in favour of   in force   information officer   in general   in his discretion   in his own interest   initials   in keeping with   in lieu of ......   in like manner   in lumpsum   in modification of ......   in official capacity   in operation   in order   in order of merit   in order of preference   in order of priority   in order to .......   in original   in other respects   in part   in partial modification   in participation with ........   in particular   in perpetuity   in person   in personal capacity   in place of   in practice   in preference to.....   in prescribed form   in prosecution of (project etc.)   in public interest   in pursuance of ......   in put   input device   in quadruplicate   in question   in regard to.....   in reply to .......   in respect of .......   in so far as   in so much as   in so much so that   Inspection   Inspection Department   Inspector   Inspector and Chief Vigilance Officer   Inspector of Branches   in spite of a thorough search the relevant file is not traceable   instant   institute   institution   instructions are solicited   Instructor   Instructor at Training Centre   Instructor (Non Residential Training centre)   Instructor (Residential Training Centre)   Instructor (Staff College)   in successive phases   in supersession of .......   in support of.....   insure   insured letter   intel   intended to   intent   Interest Section   interim accomodation   interim information   in terms of   Internal Auditor   Internal debt Management Cell   interpret   interpretation   interruption in service   in that behalf   in that respect   in the aggregate   in the case of ........   in the circumstances   in the context of   in the course of ......   in the event of ......   In the first instance   in the framework of .......   in the initial stage   in the intetest of.....   in the light of .......   in the matter of ......   in the meantime   in theory   in the prescribed manner   in the presence of ......   in the same way   in the usual course   in this behalf   in this connection, we draw your attention to paragraph ......thereof   in this instance   in this way   in toto   introduce   introduction   invalid   investigation of case   Investment Analyst   Investment Officer   in view of   invigilation   in violation of ......   inviting your attention to......   involving question of policy   in writing   ipso-facto   irrelevant   irrespective of the fact   I shall be obliged   issue   issue as amended   Issue Department   issue may be discussed   issue may be settled   issue reminder urgently   issues involved   issue today   it appears   item   items by item   it has been decided   it has been observed that   it is admissible   it is estimated   it is expected   it is highly objectionable   it is implied   it is likely to decline   it is likely to increase   it is mentioned   it is my submission   it is not available   it is not our practice   it is obvious   it is pointed out   it is regretted   it is remarkable   it is requested   it is suggested   it may be added   it may be noted   it may be read as ....   it may further be added   it need not be sent   it reads as .....   it should reach by ...   it will be administered by ...   it will be considered   it will be construed   it would depend upon.....   it would lead to....   Jamadar   Jewels Loan Appraiser   Job Worker   join   joining date   joining pay   joining period will be availed later   joining report   joining report is submitted   joining time   Joint Chief Accountant   Joint Chief Inspector   Joint Chief Manager   Joint Chief Officer   Joint Controller   Joint Custodian   Joint General Manager   Joint Legal Adviser   jointly and severally   Joint Manager   joint representation   Joint secretary   Junior Accountant   Junior Agronomist   Junior Analyst   Junior Banking Officer   Junior Officer (Grade I)   Junior Officer (Grade II)   justification for the proposal   justify   just now   keep going   keep in abeyance   keeping in view   keep pending   keep with the file   Khalasi   Khidmatgar   kindly acknowledge receipt   kindly issue circular   kindly issue instructions   kindly issue orders   kindly pass on the papers to   kindly refer to ........   kindly return the letter   known defects   Labour Law Officer   lack of confidence   lack of means   lack of quality   laid down in....   lapse of   lapse of leave   lasting   Last pay certificate   last pay certificate (L.P.C.)   late attendance   late payment   later reference   latest   Law Officer/Legal Officer   Law Superintendent   lay before   lay down   Lead Bank Officer   leave account   leave allowance   leave availed   Leave Fare Concession Section   leave on average pay   leave on medical ground   leave period   leave preparatory to retirement   leave reverse   Leave salary   Leave vacancy   Leave without pay   leave with pay   Ledger keeper   left to your option   legal   legal action   Legal Adviser   Legal Assistant   Legal Department   legality   legal opinion   legible   Legislation Section   legitimate   leisure   Lending Officer   length of service   Letter of authority   letter under reference   liable   Librarian   Lien   Lift Operator, Liftman   line printer   listed as under   Loan Balancing Section   Loans Superintendent   Local Area Network   loss incurred by .....   Lost Note Section   Lotus 1-2-3   lower limit   lowest price   lowest quottion   loyal   lumpsum   Machine Attendant   Machine Operator   Machine Section   made-to-order   mailing-list   Main frame computer   maintenance   maintenance allowance   maintenance of account   mali   management   Management Development Officer   Management Services Department   Manager   Manager (Advance)   Manager (Agency Deptt.)   Manager and Chief Executive Officer in India   Manager (Bank Services)   Manager (Board and General Deptt.)   Manager (Central Cash Deptt.)   Manager (Central Office)   Manager (Chairman's Office)   Manager (Currency Chest Deptt.)   Manager (Development)   Manager (Development Deptt.)   Manager (Foreign Exchange Deptt.)   Manager (Head Office)   Manager (Head Office Accounts Deptt.)   Manager (Income Tax Deptt.)   Manager in Relief Arrangement   Manager (Inspection)   Manager (Inspection Deptt.)   Manager (Law Depttt.)   Manager (Loans)   Manager (Loans Deptt.)   Manager (Management Development Deptt.   Manager (Management Information Deptt.)   Manager (Other Branches)   Manager (Personnel)   Manager (Personnel Deptt.)   Manager (Property Deptt.)   Manager (Provident Fund Deptt.)   Manager (Sales and Purchase Division)   Manager's Secretary   Manager's Section   Manager (Staff)   Manager (Stationery Deptt.)   Manager (Store and stationary Deptt.)   Manager (Technical Division)   Manager (Training)   Managing Director   mandatory   man days   man hours   manipulate   manual   manual labourer   material facts should not be ignored   Maternity leave   matter is being scrutinized   matter is under consideration   matter under correspondece   maximum   maximum limit   may also collect the original certificates from the Recruitment Section   may be altered   may be called   may be commenced   may be considered   may be disposed of....   may be execused   may be filed   may be informed accordingly   may be kept in view   may be obtained   may be passed for payment   may be permitted   may be perused   may be prescribed   may be regretted   may be requested to clarify   may be returned when done with   may be sanctioned   may be sent direct to   may be treated as closed   may be treated as urgent   may be waived   may call for   may consider proper   may deem necessary   may direct   may fix   may I know, when reply can be expected   may not pursue the matter   may please see   may take steps   Mazdoor   measures   Mechanic   medical benefit   medical bill   medical certificate   medical certificate of fitness   medical examination   Medical leave   Medical Section   Member of Faculty   memo   Memorandum of association   memory   mentioned against each   mentioned therein   menu   merit list   merits and demerits   Microfilm Photographer   minimum   minimum period   ministerial   Ministerial staff   minutes   misconduct   modality   modem   mode of dispatch   mode of payment   modification   modus operandi   Monitor   monogram   moratorium   mortality rate   most immediate   most secret   most urgent   motion of confidence   motion of no-conficence   movable property   Munshi and Credit Investigator   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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