Dictionaries | References


शब्दकोश - कार्यालयीन
Type: Dictionary
Count : 3,346 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

Muster roll   mutatis-mutandis   mutual agreement   N.B.   National Clearing Cell   National Defence Fund Section   Nationalised Banks Section   nature of work   necessary action   necessary action may be taken/initiated   necessary clarification awaited   necessary draft is put up   necessary provision   necessary report is still awaited   necessary steps should be taken   needful done   needs no comments   neglect   neglect of duty   negotiation   network   new dimension   New Loan Section   Night Watchman   no action   no action is required   no action necessary   no admission   no assurance can be given at this stage   no bar   no further action is called for   no instructions   nomenclature   nominate   Nominee Director   Nominee Director on Assisted Companies   non-bailable   Non Officers Section   non recurring expenditure   non resident   Non resident and Non resindents (External) Accounts Section   Non Scheduled Banks Section   no objection certificate   no profit no loss basis   no reason to doubt   no reference is available   not available   Note   note and orders may please be seen on page ... in this connection   Note Cancellation and Verification Section   noted below   noted, thanks   Note Examination Section   notice in writing   notified for general information   not later than.....   not less than   not more than   not necessary   not negotiable   not traceable   not transferable   notwithstanding anything to be contrary   Null and void   numbering   numerical order   O and M (Organisation and Methods) Officer   oath of secrecy   obediently   objection   objectionable ation   observance of rule   observation made above   obstruction   obtain formal sanction   obtain signature   offer can not be kept open any longer   office bearer   office copy   office hour   Office in Charge (General Deptt. Accounts Section)   office manual   office memorandum   office note   Office order   officer   Officer (Acting)   officer-in-charge   Officer in Charge (Agency Section)   Officer in Charge (Agricultural Finance)   Officer in Charge (Central Accounts Section)   Officer in Charge (Chitt and Special Accounts)   Officer in Charge (Foreign Exchange Cell)   Officer in Charge (Foreign Exchange Section)   Officer in Charge (General Section)   Officer in Charge (Government Section)   Officer in Charge (Income Tax consultancy deptt.)   Officer in Charge (Lead Bank Section)   Officer in Charge (Medium Term Loans)   Officer in Charge (Pay Office)   Officer in Charge (Pension and Provident Fund Section)   Officer in Charge (Planning Cell)   Officer in Charge (Premises, Dead Stock and Stationery)   Officer in Charge (Premises Section)   Officer in Charge (Provident Fund Section)   Officer in Charge (Publicity Cell)   Officer in Charge (Resources Development Section)   Officer in Charge (Satellite Office)   Officer in Charge (Stationery Section)   Officer in overall charge   Officer in Special duty   Officer (Link Office)   Officer (Officiating)   Officer on Contract   Officer on Special Duty (Lead Bank Survey)   Officers Gr.A,B,C Section   Officers Gr.D and Above Section   Office Secretary   office to note and comply   Official Assistant   official duty   officiate   Officiating Auditor   Officiating pay   officiating service   of no avail   of the order of......   ok   on account of....   on an average   on an experimental basis   on behalf of......   once   on compassionate ground   on deputation   on due date   On duty   onerous   on going basis   on grounds of.....   on its merits   only if   on medical ground   on merits   on no account   on or about......   on or after the day   on perusal of the application   On probation   on receipt of .....   on reconsideration   on such terms and conditions as he deemed fit   on temporary basis   on the advice of ....   on the contrary   on the face of it   on the lines of .......   on the other hand   on these points   on the subject noted above   on uniform principles   onus   optional paper   orally   order communicated   ordered that this decision may be conveyed to all concerned   order may be issued   order passed on appeal   ordinary leave   original copy   original returned   otherwise, action will be taken   outgoing files   out of context   out of date   out of question   out of turn allotment   outstation allowance   out today   overage can not be condoned   over all   over all ceiling   over all development   over all inspection   over all position   over population   overriding decision   overriding factor   overstayal of leave   overtime allowance   owing to .....   P.A. to Chairman   P.A. to Custodian   P.A. to General Manaer   P.S. to Financial Controller   paid into the credit of .....   Paperless Office   papers for disposal   papers submitted/put up for perusal   papers under consideration   papers verified   Part time Clerk   Part time Hindi Teacher   Part time Pass Book Writer   part time sweeper   Part time Telephone Operator   Passage Section   Pass book Writer   passed for payment   passed on   passing official   passport   payable for honour   payable to......   pay and allowances   payment of honorarium   Pay order   pay self   pay to ..................   pending cease   pending conclusion of enquiry   pending decision   pending disposal of   pendingn list   Peon   Peon cum Bearer   Peon cum Chowkidar   Peon cum Cyclostle Machine Operator   Peon cum Daftary   Peon cum Farash   Peon cum gardener   Peon cum Godown Chowkidar   Peon cum Guard   Peon cum Messenger   Peon cum Projector Machine Operator   Peon cum Water Boy   per annum   per bearer   per cent   percentage   per day   performance   per month   Personnel Assistant   Personnel Officer   Personnel Policy Department   pertaining to   pertaining to his conditions of service   per year   pixel   placed at the disposal of .....   placed below   placed below is a letter no......dated....regarding   plaint   plaintiff   planned action   planned participation   Planning & Co-ordination Cell   Planning Officer   Planning Section   please acknowledge receipt   please advise accordingly   please appear in person/present yourself   please arrange to furnish   please call for the report   please carry out the orders   please circulate   please comply before due date   please confirm   please discuss   please discuss with relevant papers   please expedite reply   please hand over your charge to Shri/Smt....   please inform.......accordingly   please issue reminder   please make special note of this decision   please prepare a precis of the case   please put up a self contained note   please put up the cae with previous papers   please quote   please reconcile the discrepancy in the entries   please redraft   please refer to ......   please refer to our letter no.....dated......   please report   please revise   please see for precedent   please see the case and offer your comments   please see the preceding notes   please speak   please treat this as most urgent   please treat this as strictly confidential   please turn over (P.T.O.)   please verify   Plumber   plus amendments and minus amendments   P.Manager (Per/Pro Manaer)   Policy & Coordination Cell   post copy   post dated   posting and transfer   posting order   Post Parcel Section   post script   practical approach   precautionary measure   precedent set by...   preceding notes   Premises Department   Premises Officer   preparatory to retirement   Prescribed form   prescribed qualifications   presented   presented by.....   presided over by .......   Press Relations Department   presume   presumption   presumption is confirmed   presumption is correct   preventive measures   previous and later references   Prices and Statistical Intelligence Section   Prices, Production and Capital Market Unit   principal   Principal Adviser   Principal Chief Engineer   Principal Private Secretary   prior approval   prior sanction   Private Secretary   Private Secretary to the General Manaer   probably   Probationary Assistant   procedure laid down   proceeding on leave   proceedings be stayed   production cum sale   proffer   Programme Section   progress may be watched   project   projection in the work plan   Projects Division   prolonged illness   Promotion   prompt action   proposal   pross and cons   Protocol cum Security Officer   proved   provided   provided under the rules/ regulations   provident fund account   Provision   provisional list   proviso   proviso to this rule   Public Accounts Department   public debt office   Publicity and Public Relations Officer   Publicity Officer   Public Relations Officer-cum-Liaison Officer   Pump Operator   Punching and Stiching Machine Operator   put an end to   put forth   put in order   put off   put up   put up again on......   put up challans for verification of collection   put up slip   quadruplicate   qualification   qualified   qualified candidate   Qualified Technician   qualifying marks   qualifying service   quality   quantum   quantum of remuneration may please be fixed   quarantine leave   quarterly statement may please be expedited   quash the order issued   query has been raised   question does not arise   question has been raised   questionnaire may kindly be returned duly filled in   question of fact   question of properiety   quick action is required   quick disposal   quite a large number   quota will be fixed   quoted below   quote the relevent portion   Railway Clerk   raise   raised question   raise objection   Rajbhasha Division   Rajbhasha Officer   RAM   ranging from ..... to......   rate in force   rate of exchange   ratification   rational basis   rationale of the objective   read with.......   reappropriation of funds   rearrange the papers   reason   reasonable   reasonable expenses   reasonable time   reasoning   reason to believe   recasting of balance sheet   receipt, presentation and disposal of records   receipt register   receipts and disbursements   receivable   Receiving centre   recent decision   Receptionist cum Telephone Operator   recipient   reciprocal arrangement   recognised   Recognition   recognition already granted will be withdrawn   recommendation   recommendatory nature   recommended   Reconcile   reconsider   Reconstruction and Liquidation   Record Clerk   recorded   Record Keeper   recovery of loss   recruitment   Recruitment Section   rectification of mistakes   rectify   redundant   refer   reference   reference is invited to .....   reference is invited to our letter no........ dated......   reference notes on pre-page   reference our telephonic conversation   reference your office letter No...... dated.....on the subject mentioned above, we advise that....   referred to above   referred to as   refer to drawer   refixation of pay   refresher course   refused   refused leave   regarding the captioned subject   Regional Audit Cell   Regional Manager   registered acknowledgement due   Registration/cancelled Note   regret that   regular service should be taken into account   Reimbursement of medical charges   reinstated in service   rejoinder   related to   relates to   relevance   relevant   relevant extract   relevant fact   relevant orders are flagged   relevant papers   relevant papers are placed below   relevant papers be put up   relevant papers may please be put up   relieved officer   Relieving Lift Operator   relieving office   Relieving Telephone Operator   relinquishment of charge   reluctant to do   Remain in force   remarks of adverse nature   reminder   reminder may be sent   reminder may please be issued/sent   renew   renewal   Renewal, Note Examination Section   repay   repayable   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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