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शब्दकोश - कार्यालयीन
Type: Dictionary
Count : 3,346 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

repayment   Repayment Section   repealed   replace   report   report all transactions to the officer concerned for necessary verification   report for duty   reporting officer   report submitted to .......   representation   repugnant to the context   required information may please be furnished/supplied without delay   required to be ratified   requisite   requisite files are placed below   requisition   rescinding order   research   Research Officer   Research Superintendent   resident   residential   residential quarters   Resident Inspector   Resident Manaer (Inspection)   Resident Vice President   resignation   Resources Development Officer   Resource Section   respectfully   respectively   responsibility   restoration   restore   restricted   restriction   restrictions are removed   resubmitted   resubmitted with previous papers   resultantly   resume   resumption   retire   retired   Retirement   retrenchment   retrospective effect cannot be given to this order   returned for further considertion   returned for reconsidertion   return of the file may be awaited   return of the file may kindly be expedited   Returns Section   reverse the orders   reverted   review   revised draft may be put up   revision   revision of pay scale   ROM   Rules and regulations   Rural Credit Officer   Rural Planning and Credit Department   safe cystody   safety   said rule   Salary   Salary Section   Sale and Repurchase Section   sales tax   Salient features   salient provisions   salvage and scrap   sample   sanction   sanctioned and working strength   sanctioned as proposed   sanctioned as suggested   sanctioning authority   sanctioning order   sanction is hereby accorded to ....   sanction may be accorded for the creation of the additional posts of.....   satisfactory   satisfactory proof   save   save as provided hereafter   scale   scale of pay   Schedule   Scheduled Banks Section   scheduled caste   scheduled programme   scheduled tribe   scheme   script   scrolling   scrutiny   sealed   sealed tender   secondary   secret   Secretary   Secretary and staff Controller   secretary-general   Secretary's Department   Secretary to the Board of Directors   secret instructions issued   section is requested   Section Officer   Securities Department   Securities Section   security   security officer   Security Officer and caretaker   Security Prices and Currency Report Section   seen and passed on to.....   seen and passed on to .... for necessary action   seen and returned   seen and spoken   seen, file with previous papers   seen, thanks   see the papers and speak   select committee   selection   selection committee   self contained draft   self contained note   self contained note may please be put up   Self explanatory   self supporting institutions   semi autonomous   seminar   senior   Senior Analyst   Senior Assistant   seniority   seniority list   senior most   Senior Officer   Senior Personnel Officer   Senior Residential Inspector   Senior Superintendent   separately dealt with   sequence   serially numbered   serial number   serious disourder   Servant (Canteen)   service book   service conditions are not satisfactory   service sheet   set aside   set out guidelines/norms   setting up a practice   settlement   Set up   shall be deemed to be included   shall be inserted   shall be liable to pay   shall have effect   shall not be questioned on any ground   Shipping and Aviation Section   Shiva   shortage written off   shorthand   show cause as to why serious action should not be taken   show cause notice   shroff   Shroff/Bill Collector   side by side   signature   signed, sealed and delivered   sincere   Sine die   sine quo non   sinking fund   slightly affected   Small Savings Section   so as to ensure   so-called   so far as   so far as possible   so far as practicable   so long as   solvency   souvenir   Special Cadre Assistant   Special Cell   Specialist   Special Officer   Special Officer for Co-operative Credit   Special Officer (Rural Development)   Special Project Division   specific   specifications   specific reason may be given   specific recommendation   specified in the certificate   specimen signature   speculation   spouse   staff agitation   Staff Assistant   Staff Division   Staff Manager   staff officer   Staff Section   Staff Training Officer   stagnation   stamp-duty   stamp pad   standardization   stand by arrangements   standing instructions   Standing order   starred question   State Debit Section   statement   static   Stationery Officer   Stationery Section   Statistical Assistant   Statistician   status   status quo   statute   statutory   statutory requirement   stay order   steering committee   Stenographers Pool   Steno Typist   steps are on hand   steps have already been taken   steps may be taken   stipulation   stock   stricture   strike   strike off the name   structure   Student Section   Sub-Accountant   Sub-Accounts Officer   Sub Agent   subject to....   subject to approval   subject to modification   subject to the condition of   subject to the condition that   subject to the provisions of   Sub-Manager in Relief Arrangement   Sub manager (Reconciliation Deptt.)   Sub-Manager (Staff)   submit   submitted before issue   submitted for approval   submitted for favour of sympathetic consideration   submitted for information   submitted for orders   submitted for perusal   submitted with reference to the query on pre page   submit the relevant papers   subordinate   Subordinate Employee   Subordinate Staff   sub-rule   subscribe   subsequent   subsequent action   subsequent changes   subsidiary bodies   subsidise   subsistance allowance   subsistance allowance/grant   substantive   substantive pay   Substantive post   substitute   substitute arrangement   substitute is not available   substitution   successful tenderer   Succession certificate   successor   such action as may be deemed necessary   such delay should be avoided   sue   suffix   suggestion book   suit   suitability   suitable action may be taken   summarily   summit   summon   sundry   superannuation   superintendence   superintendent   Superintendent (Advances Deptt.)   Superintendent (Agricultural credit cell)   Superintendent (Audit and Inspection)   Superintendent (Branch deptt.)   Superintendent (Business Deptt.)   Superintendent (Central Accounts Deptt.)   Superintendent (Development and Training)   Superintendent (Development Deptt.)   Superintendent (Establishment, Investment, Safe, furniture and fixtures)   Superintendent (Estate Deptt.)   Superintendent (Farm Financing Deptt.)   Superintendent (Foreign deptt.)   Superintendent Foreign Exchange Deptt.   Superintendent (General Deptt.)   Superintendent (Industrial Cell)   Superintendent (Inspection)   Superintendent (Inspection Deptt.)   Superintendent (Investment Deptt.)   Superintendent (Legal Deptt.)   Superintendent of Accounts   Superintendent of Advances   Superintendent of Branch   Superintendent of Inspection   Superintendent of Staff   Superintendent (Personal and Small Loans Deptt.)   Superintendent (Personnel)   Superintendent (Planning and Resources deptt.)   Superintendent (Premises and dead Stock deptt.)   Superintendent (Premises Deptt.)   Superintendent (Secretarial Deptt.)   Superintendent (Small Scale Industries Cell)   Superintendent (Stationery)   Superintendent (Technical Division)   Superintendent (Training)   Superintending Engineer   supernumerary   Supernumerary post   superscribe   superscription   supersede   supersession   supervise   supervision   Supervisor   Supervisor (Civil)   Supervisor (Computer Centre)   Supervisor (Estate Deptt.)   Supervisor (Machine Section)   Supervisor (Main Office Dispensary)   Supervisor (Officers Lounge and Dining Room)   Supervisory staff   supplement   supplementary   Supplementary budget   supplier   suppress   supreme   Surcharge   surety bond   Surprise check   surveillance   survey report is under study   suspended from service   Suspension   suspension orders issued   symbol   table   table of contents   tabulated statements   tabulation   take care of .....   take effect   take for granted   take notice   take-over   take part in......   take place   take steps   take stock of the situation   take such measures   take up   take up the matter with....   Target   taxable income   Tax Credit Section   tax deducted at source   tax evasion   team spirit   team-work   technical   Technical Division   Technical Field Officer   Technical Investigator (Agriculture)   Technical Officer   Technical Staff   technology   Telegram Section   Telephone Operator   Telex Operator   Teller   Temporary appointment   Temporary Peon   temporary service   tentative arrangements   tentative list   tenure   tenure of office   tenure of post   terminable at one month's notice   terminal   terminate   termination   termination notice issued   termination of post   terminology   Term of office   term of reference   term of service   terms and conditions   terms of reference   test   testament   testamentary   testify   testimonial   thankful   the file in question is placed below   the file is not traceable, efforts are being made to trace it   the matter has no relevance at all   theme   then and there   then existing   the papers are sent herewith   the proposal is in order   the proposal is self explanatory   the receipt of the letter has been acknowledged   the relevent file is not ready available   the required papers are placed below/ submitted   the scheme has also been extended to .....   these papers may be shown to .....for information and guidance   the service will be terminated   the validity of .......   think fit   think-tank   this cae is related to ......   this includes, inter alia   this is in order   this is to certify that   this is to inform that   this is to inform you   this may be passed on to.... for necessary action   this may be renewed   this may please be treated as urgent   this office has no information in this respect   thoroughly satisfied   thre is enough evidence   thrice   thrift   through oversight   through proper channel   till further order   time bound   timely action may be taken   timely compliance maybe ensured   Time scale   time schedule may be adhered to   title   to a great extent   to a large extent   to analyse   to approach   to avoid   to be incumbent upon   to bring to the notice of   to convince   to designate   to discuss at length   to enable   to ensure   to establish   to examine   to execute   to exercise the power   to expedite   to express concern over   to find out   to find out specifically   to give effect   to go through   to impose   to initiate action   to interpret   to introduce the scheme   to keep in suspense   Token   to launch a scheme   to make adequate provision   to monitor   to pass a resolution   top most   Top priority   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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