Dictionaries | References


   { aṅgulḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गुल  m. m. (√ अग् or अङ्ग्), a finger
   the thumb
   a finger's breadth, a measure equal to eight barley-corns, twelve अङ्गुलs making a वितस्ति or span, and twenty-four a हस्त or cubit
   (in astron.) a digit, or twelfth part
   N. of the sage चाणक्य, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गुलः [aṅgulḥ]   [अङ्ग्-उल्]
   A finger.
   The thumb, अङ्गौ पाणौ लीयते (n. also).
   A finger's breadth (n. also), equal to 8 barley-corns, 12 Aṅgulas making a वितस्ति or span, and 24 a हस्त or cubit; शङ्कुर्दशाङ्गुलः [Ms. 8.271.]
   (Astr.) A digit or 12th part.
  N. N. of the sage Chāṇakya or Vātsyāyana.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गुल  m.  (-लः)
   1. The thumb.
   2. A finger.
   3. A measure of eight barley corns.
   4. The name of a saint. See वात्स्यायन.
   5. A digit, or one- twelvth part of any dimension.
   E. अङ्ग to count and उल aff.
अङ्ग उल

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