Dictionaries | References


   { avaṭa }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  अवटाण


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : छेद, कुआँ, गड्ढा, कुंड


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   avaṭa m A pile of timbers as prepared for a building: also of logs or billets for fuel.
   The ebb-tide.


   ओहोटी पहा .
   इमारती , लांकडांचा - जळाऊ ओंड्यांचा ढीग - रास . [ वैदिक अवत = खळगा ; सं . वट = बांधणें , रचणें ; का . औट्टु ; म . ओटा ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवट  m. m. a hole, vacuity in the ground, [SV.] ; [VS.] &c.
   a hole in a tooth, [VarBṛS.]
   any depressed part of the body, a sinus, [Yājñ. iii, 98]
   a juggler, [L.]
गर्गादि   N. of a man, (g.q.v.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवट [avaṭa] a.  a. [अव-अटन्] Produced in a hole.
   टः A hole, cavity.
   A pit; क्रौञ्चावटे [Rām.6.17.6;] अवटे चापि मे राम प्रक्षिपेमं कलेवरम्; अवटे ये निधीयन्ते Rām. विपाटयन्निव जगद् दंष्ट्राट्टालघटावटैः [Bm.1.762.]
   A well.
   Any low or depressed part of the body, sinus; अवटश्चैवमेतानि स्थानान्यत्र शरीरके [Y.3.98.]
   A juggler.
   Drunk; the commentary of Mahendra on Hemachandra's Anekārthasaṁgraha प्रमत्तेऽपि मङ्खः यथा अवटातङ्कसंकेतनिकेतनसमाश्रयाम्-Comp.
-कच्छपः   a tortoise in a hole; (fig.) one who has had no experience, who has seen nothing of the world.
-निरोधनः  N. N. of a particular hell.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवट  m.  (-टः)
   1. A hole, a vacuity.
   2. A hole in the ground, a chasm, a pit.
   3. Any depressed part of the body, a cavity, a fosse, a sinus. 4. A well.
   5. A juggler.
   E. अव to preserve, अटन् aff.
अव अटन्

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