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   { karkōṭḥ }
Script: Devanagari


  पु. १ ( पुराण ) कद्रुपूत्र , एक नाग ; सर्पराज , याला नऊ हजार हत्तीचें बळ होतें . नल राजास वनवासांत यानें दंश केला होता . कलिदोषनाशाकरितां याचें स्मरण करतात . ' कर्कोटकस्य नागस्य ..... कीर्तनं कलिनाशनम् । ' ' नाना संपें उगवले काळ कर्कोट चालिले । ' - दावि ५०१ . २ ( उप ) कर्‍हाडे जातीच्या ब्राह्मणास म्हणतात . ३ सूड घेणारा ; दीर्घद्वेषी मनुष्य . ( सं .)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्कोट  m. m.N. of one of the principal नागs of पाताल, [VP.] ; [Rājat.] &c.
कर्कोट  m. m. pl.N. of a people, [VarBṛS.]
कर्कोट  n. n.N. of a plant, [Suśr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्कोटः [karkōṭḥ] टकः [ṭakḥ]   टकः One of the eight principal cobras. [When king Nala, being persecuted by Kali, was made to undergo many hardships, Karkoṭa, who was once saved by him from fire, so deformed him that none might recognise him during his days of adversity.]
   The sugar-cane.
   The बिल्व tree.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्कोट  m.  (-टः) One of the principle serpents or Nagas of Patala.

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