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   { dhiṣaṇā }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DHIṢAṆĀ   The wife of Havirdhāna born in the dynasty of the emperor Pṛthu. Dhiṣanā was born from fire. Six sons, Prācīnabarhis, Śukra, Gaya, Kṛṣṇa, Vraja and Ajina, were born to Havirdhāna by his wife Dhiṣaṇā born of fire. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 18] .


धिषणा n.  कृशश्व ऋषि की पत्नी ।
धिषणा II. n.  एक देवी । इसने स्कंद के अभिषेक के समय पदार्पण किया था [म.श.४४.१२]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धिषणा  f. f. a sort of सोम-vessel, a cup, goblet, bowl fig. the juice itself and its effects, [RV.] (du. the two bowls or worlds i.e. heaven and earth; pl., and the intermediate atmosphere, ib.)
अगाध   knowledge, intelligence (generally ifc.), [VarBṛS. civ, 29] ; [BhP.] (cf.- [add.], बोध-, विशुद्ध-)
   speech, praise, hymn, [L.]
   dwelling-place, abode, seat, [BhP.]
   N. of a deity presiding over wealth and gain (also in pl.), [RV.] ; [MBh.]
   of the wife of हविर्-दान and daughter of अग्नि, [Hariv.] ; [VP.]
   of the of कृशाश्व and mother of वेद-शिर, देवल, वयुन and मनु, [BhP.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  कृशाश्वस्य पत्नी ।   Ex. धिषणा वेदशिरस्य देवलस्य वयुनस्य तथा मनोः माता अस्ति
 noun  हविरदानस्य पत्नी ।   Ex. धिषणा अग्नेः पुत्री अस्ति
   See : भाजनम्

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