न्यायः [nyāyḥ] [नियन्ति अनेन; नि-इ घञ्] Method, manner, way, rule, system, plan; अधार्मिकं त्रिभिर्न्यायैर्निगृह्णीयात् प्रयत्नतः [Ms.8.31;] अनुक्ते हि न्याये न प्रतीमोऽर्थान्तरम् ŚB. on [MS.6.] 2.5; तस्मान्नावस्थितो न्यायः प्रत्युद्ध्रियेत ŚB. on [MS.6.] 2.1. ननु लिङ्गमसाधकं, न्याय उच्यतां यस्यैतद् द्योतकमिति ŚB. on [MS.6.] 2.3. Fitness, propriety, decorum; न्यायाधारा हि साधवः [Ki.11.3.] Law, justice, virtue, equity, righteousness, honesty; यान्ति न्यायप्रवृत्तस्य तिर्यञ्चोऽपि सहायताम् [A. R.1.4.] A law-suit, legal proceeding. Judicial sentence, judgment. Policy, good government. Likeness, analogy. A popular maxim, an apposite illustration, illustration, as दण्डापूपन्याय, काकतालीयन्याय, घुणाक्षरन्याय &c.; see Appendix. A Vedic accent; न्यायैस्त्रिभिरुदीर्णम् [Ku.2.12.] (Malli. takes न्याय to mean स्वर; but it is quite open, in our opinion, to take न्याय in the sense of 'a system' or 'way'; 'which are manifested in three systems, i. e. ऋक्, यजुस् and सामन्'); न्यायगर्भद्विजाः [Bh.3.] 55. (In gram.) A universal rule. A system of Hindu philosophy founded by the sage Gautama. The science of logic, logical philosophy. A complete argument or syllogism (consisting of five members; i. e. प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन). An epithet of Viṣṇu. (न्यायेन ind. in the way of, after the manner or analogy of; बधिरान्मन्दकर्णः श्रेयानिति न्यायेन &c.). -Comp. -आगत a. a. rightly got, acquired (money).-आचार a. virtuous. -आधारः an example of virtue or propriety, -आभासः semblance of reason, sophism.-उपेत rightly admitted. -निर्वपण a. a. bestowing justly.-णः N. of Śiva; [Mb.13.17.126] (com. न्याययुक्तं निर्वपणं दानं यस्य). -पथः the Mīmāṁsā philosophy; (pl.) the different philosophical systems; [bhāg.] -वर्तिन् a. a. well behaved, acting justly. -वादिन् a. a. one who speaks what is right or just. -विद्या, -शिक्षा; see न्यायशास्त्र.-वृत्तम् good conduct, virtue. शास्त्रम् the philosophical system of the [Nyāya s] chool. the science of logic.-संबद्ध a. rational, logical. -सारिणी proper or suitable behaviour. -सूत्रम् the aphorisms of [Nyāya philosophy] by Gautama. [Note: A few of the common [Nyāyas or pop] ular maxims that were given under this word by Prin. Apte are taken in the Appendix along with many others.]