प्रकर mfn. (
-रः-री-रं) Who or what does much or well.
m. (
1. A heap a, quantity.
2. A bundle of flowers, a nosegay.
3. Aid, assis- tance, friendship.
4. Usage, custom, continuance of a similar practice.
5. Respect.
6. Seduction, abduction.
n. (
-रं) Aloe wood, (Agallochum.)
f. (
1. Theatrical dress or disguise, as wearing a woman's garb, &c.
2. An episodical incident in a drama.
3. An open piece of ground, the meeting of four roads, or the proper scite of any magical operations.
E. प्र before
कृ to make, aff.
अप् .