लास्य n. (
1. Dancing in general.
2. Symphony, or union of song, dance, and instrumental music.
3. A mode of dance in which the emotions of love are represented mimically, the Nāutch of India, or dance practised by women chiefly, and confined to attitude and gesticulation, with a shuffling motion of the feet [Page617-b+ 60] seldom lifted from the ground; this style is said to have been invented by PĀRVATĪ, and communicated by her to the daughter of VĀṆASURA, by whom her female friends and companions were instructed in it; as a species, it is opposed to the TĀNDAVA, the most boisterous dance of ŚIVA, and his followers or men.
4. A part or embellishment of dramatic composition, the occasional introduction of music and singing; also abrupt transition from Prākrita to Sanskrit and from Sanskrit to Prākrita, &c.
m. (
-स्यः) A dancer.
f. (
-स्या) A female dancer.
E. लस् to be skilled in the art of dancing,
ण्यत् aff.