शमः [śamḥ] [शम्-घञ्]
Quiet, tranquillity, calmness; धृतिं न विन्दामि शमं च विष्णो
[Bg.11.24.] Rest, calm, repose, cessation.
Absence or restraint of passions, mental quietness, quietism; शमरतेऽमरतेजसि पार्थिवे
[R.9.4;] [Ki.1.1;16.48;] [Śi.2.94;] [Bg.1.4.] Allayment, mitigation, alleviation, satisfaction, pacification (of grief, thirst, hunger &c.); शममुपयातु ममापि चित्तदाहः
[U.6.8;] शम- मेष्यति मम शोकः कथं नु वत्से
[Ś.4.21.] Peace; as in अस्माकं शमकामा वै त्वं च पुत्रो ममेत्यथ
[Mb.12.1.27;] शमोपन्यास
[Ve.5.] Final emancipation (from all worldly illusions and attachments).
The hand.
Cure of disease, convalescence.
Indifference, apathy. -Comp.
-अन्तकः the god of love (a destroyer of mental tranquillity).-आत्मक a. calm, tranquil by nature.
-उपन्यासः overtures of peace.
-पर a. a. tranquil, quiet, stoical. -प्रधानa. in whom tranquillity or quietism predominates; शम- प्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु
[Ś.2.7.] -व्यसनिन् a. a. dissolute from indifference.
-शम a. a. enjoying perpetual tranquillity.