Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A perplexing affair or business, a difficulty, a trouble: also the state induced by it, a dilemma, strait, scrape, hobble, mess. 2 This is one of those numerous words occurring in all languages of which, as the etymon or original cannot be traced, the literal and exact sense cannot be fixed. All that the lexicographer can in such cases do, is to set down the popular acceptations or uses: and these of this word, although, from the more confined currency of the word itself, they are of less frequent occurrence, are faithfully one with those of लचांड, कचाठ, झट, and countless similar formations; viz. Scheme, speculation, enterprise, wild project; a calumnious machination or invention; any embarrassing adventure or occurrence; any tortuous or devious device or doing.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   A perplexing affair, a difficulty, trouble. Scheme; a calumnious machination; any tortuous device.


  न. एक कसरतीचा खेळ . ( क्रि० टोंचणे ) लिगाड इत्यादि कसरतींई कामे बायकामुले करुन दाखवीत . - स्वप ३१ .
   लचांड ; लटांबर ; कटकट ; अडचण ; पंचाईत ; बंधन ; संकट ; कोणतेहि त्रासदायक काम किंवा परिस्थिति . कैसे कराल ते नेणे । लिगाडाच्या गुणे । - तुग १२५४ .
   चिकट ; चिकटपणा . तोही ( गुळ ) ठेवितां लिगाड धरी । - एभा १६ . १९ . लिगाडी - ड्या - वि . लचांडखोर ; खोडसाळ ; उलाढाल्या ; कचाट्या ; भांडण लावणारा ; भयंकर भानगडी करणारा . देव लिगाड्या देव लिमाड्या । तुका म्हणे भाड्या दंभे ठकी । - तुगा ३६९९ .

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