वि-भिन्न mfn. mfn. split or broken in two &c.
passed across or through (as by a heavenly body),
[VarBṛS.] opened blown,
[Ragh.] cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut),
[Bhartṛ.] broken, destroyed,
[BhP.] altered, changed (also in one's feelings),
[Kāv.] ;
[Kathās.] alienated, estranged, become faithless,
[Rājat.] separated, divided,
[Kathās.] disunited, living at variance,
[R.] (a place) filled with dissensions,
[Kathās.] आशा-व्° disappointed (See )
[Subh.] various, manifold,
[Kathās.] ;
[MārkP.] mingled with (
instr. ),
[Kir.] वि-भिन्न m. m.N. of