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   { vaidala }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैदल  mfn. mf()n. (fr.वि-दल) made of split bamboo, [Mn.]
वैदल  m. m. any leguminous vegetable or grain (such as peas, beans &c.), [Suśr.] ; [Bhpr.]
   a kind of poisonous insect, worm &c., [Suśr.]
   a kind of cake, [L.]
वैदल  n. n. a wicker basket, [Suśr.]
   the shallow cup or platter belonging to a religious mendicant, [MW.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैदल [vaidala]   (-ली f.) [विदलस्य विकारः अण्] made of wicker or cane.
   लः A kind of cake.
   any leguminous vegetable or grain.
   लम् A shallow cup of a religious mendicant.
   any seat or vessel of wickerwork; चेलवच्चर्मणां शुद्धिर्वैदलानां तथैव[Ms.5.119;6.54.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैदल  mfn.  (-लः-ला-लं) wicker, of cane, wicker or basket work.
  n.  (-लं) 1. A shallow cup or saucer made of clay usually, though some- times of metal, and sometimes of wood or wicker.
   2. any seat or vessel of basket or wicker-work.
  m.  (-लः)
   1. A flat unleavened cake, made of flour, &c., with cumin or coriander seeds, and fried in ghee.
   2. any leguminous vegetable or grain, as peas, beans, &c.
   E. वि before दल् to divide, aff. अच्, and अण् added.

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