सम्य्-अञ्च् mfn. mfn. (
fr. समि =
सम्2 + 2.
अञ्च्cf. [Pāṇ. 6-3, 93] ;
nom. सम्य॑न्,
समीची॑, or
सम्य॑क्) going along with or together, turned together or in one direction, combined, united (
acc. with √
धा, ‘to unite or provide with’ [
acc. or
dat. of
pers. and
instr. or
acc. of thing]), entire, whole, complete, all (
सम्यञ्चःसर्वे, ‘all together’),
[RV.] ;
[Br.] ;
[ŚāṅkhŚr.] turned towards each other, facing one another,
[RV.] ;
[VS.] ;
[Br.] lying in one direction, forming one line (as foot steps),
[ŚBr.] correct, accurate, proper, true, right,
[BhP.] uniform, same, identical,
[W.] pleasant, agreeable,