स्तम्भ् or स्तभ् (connected with √ स्कम्भ्q.v. ; in native lists written स्तन्भ्) cl. 5. 9. P. (xxxi, 7">[Dhātup. xxxi, 7] ) स्तभ्नो॑ति, स्तभ्ना॑ति (cf. [Pāṇ. 3-1, 82] ), or cl. 1. Ā. (x, 26) स्त॑म्भते (pr. p. also स्तम्भत्, [Hariv.] , स्तभमान [q.v. ] [AitĀr.] ; pf. तस्त॑म्भ, °म्भत्, तस्तभु॑, p. तस्तभ्व॑स्, °वान्द्, [RV.] ; तस्तभान॑, तस्तम्भे, [MBh.] ; aor. अ॑स्तम्भीत्; अस्ताम्प्सीत्, [TBr.] ; अस्तभत्Gr. ; fut. स्तम्भिता, °भिष्यति, ib.; inf. स्तब्धुम्, [Kathās.] ; ind.p. स्तब्ध्वा॑, [AV.] &c.; स्तम्भित्वा, [MBh.] ; -स्त॑भ्य and -स्तम्भम्, [Br.] ), to fix firmly, support, sustain, prop ( esp. the heavens), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; to support or hold up by contact with, reach up to ( acc. ), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; to stop, stop up, arrest, make stiff or immovable, paralyze, [RV.] &c. &c.; ( Ā. ) to rest or lean on ( loc. ), [Hcar.] ; to become stiff or immovable, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to become solid, xii, 6807">[MBh. xii, 6807] : Pass. स्तभ्यते ( aor. अस्तम्भि), to be firmly fixed or supported or propped &c., [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. स्तभाय॑ति, to make firm, support, [RV.] ; to stop, arrest, ib.; स्तम्भयति, °ते ( aor. अतस्तम्भत्), to fix, establish, erect, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to make stiff or rigid, paralyze, [Suśr.] ; to make solid, ib.; to stop, arrest ( also by magic), suppress, check, restrain, ib. : Desid. तिस्तम्भिषतिGr. : Intens. तास्तभ्यतेib.< br> स्तम्भ् [cf. Gk. στέμφυλον, στέμβω, στείβω; Lith. stambras, stimbras; Germ. stampfôn, stampfen; Eng. stamp, stump.]<br>