हु 1.cl. 3. P. ([Dhātup. xxv, 1] ) जुहो॑ति (Ved. and ep. also Ā. जुहुते॑ 3. pl. pr. जु॑ह् 3. pl. pr. जु॑ह्वति, °ते, [RV.] &c. ; 2. sg. Impv. जुहुधि॑, [Br.] &c.; होषि, [RV.] ; p. P. जु॑ह्वत्; Ā. जु॑ह्वान [also with pass. sense]; 3. pl. impf. अ॑जुहवुः, ib.; pf. P. जुहाव, जुहुवुः, [MBh.] ; Ā. जुहुवे, [R.] ; जुह्वे॑, जुहुरे॑, [RV.] ; जुह्विरे, [Br.] ; जुहवां-चकार, ib.; [Up.] ; जुहवाम्-आस, [Vop.] ; aor. अहौषीत्, [Br.] &c.; Prec. हूयात्Gr. ; fut. होता, ib.; होष्य॑ति, °ते, [AV.] &c.; Cond. अहोष्यत्, [Br.] ; inf. हो॑तुम्, °तोस्, °तवै॑, and ind.p. हुत्वा, ib. &c.), to sacrifice ( esp. pour butter into the fire), offer or present an oblation ( acc. or gen. ) to ( dat. ) or in ( loc. ), sacrifice to, worship or honour ( acc. ) with ( instr. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to sprinkle on ( loc. ), [Yājñ.] ; to eat, [Vop.] : Pass. हूय॑ते ( aor. अ॑हावि), to be offered or sacrificed, [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. हावयति ( aor. अजूहवत्), to cause to sacrifice or to be sacrificed or to be honoured with sacrifice, [GṛŚrS.] &c.: Desid. जुहूषति, to wish to sacrifice, [MBh.] ; [R.] : Intens. जोहवीति ( impf. अजोहवीत् or अजुहवीत्, [BhP.] ), जोहूयते, जोहोति ( Gr. ), to offer oblations repeatedly or abundantly. हु [cf. Gk. χυ- in χέω (for χέϝω), χυλός, χυμός; Lat. fūtis, ‘water-pot.’] हु n. 2.ind. an exclamation in हुं हु, हूं हु &c., [Sarasv.]