कोल m. m. (g. ज्वला-दि), a hog (cf. क्रोड), [Yājñ. iii, 273] ; [Vop.] a raft, [Divyâv. iii] क्रोड the breast, haunch, hip or flank, lap (cf. ), [L.] an embrace, embracing, [L.] a kind of weapon, [L.] चित्र N. of a plant (= , चित्रक), [L.] the planet Saturn, [L.] N. of शिव, [Gal.] N. of a son of आक्रीड, [Hariv. 1836] कोलि-सर्प N. of a degraded warrior-tribe (outcast, one degraded by सगर from the military order), [Hariv.] (v.l. q.v. ) a man of a mixed caste, [BrahmaP.] a barbarian, Kol, of a tribe inhabiting the hills in central India, [W.] कोल mn. mn. the weight of one तोल (= 2 टङ्क [or शाण, [Aṣṭâṅg.] ] = 1/2 कर्ष, [ŚārṅgS.] ) कोल f. f(आ, ई). the jujube tree, [L.] कोल n. n. the fruit of the jujube (cf. कुवल), [ChUp. vii, 3, 1] ; [Lalit.] ; [Suśr.] black pepper, [L.] the grain of Piper Chaba, [L.]