प्रदोष [pradōṣa] a. a. Bad, corrupt.
षः (a) A fault, defect, sin, offence. (b) Transgression, violation.
Disordered condition, such as mutiny, rebellion.
Evening, nightfall, the first part of the night; प्रदोषो रजनीमुखम् Ak; 'प्रदोषेऽध्ययनं धीमान्न करोति यथाक्रमम्' Śabda. Ch.; तमःस्वभावास्तेऽप्यन्ये प्रदोषमनुयायिनः
[Śi.2.98] (where प्रदोष primarily means 'corrupt' or 'bad'); व्रजसुन्दरीजनमन- स्तोषप्रदोषः
[Gīt.5;] [Ku.5.44;] [R.1.93;] [Ṛs.1.12.] -Comp.
-आगमः nightfall.
-कालः, -समयः, -वेला evening-time, nightfall.
-तिमिरम् evening darkness, the dusk of early night; कामं प्रदोषतिमिरेण न दृश्यसे त्वम्
[Mk. 1.35.] -रमणीय a. a. delightful in the evening.