स्यात् n. ind. (3.
sg. Pot. of √
1.अस्) it may be, perhaps, perchance (
esp. used in
जैन works and occurring in 7 formulas,
viz. 1.
स्याद् अस्ति, ‘perhaps it is [under certain circumstances]’; 2.
स्यान् ना-स्ति, ‘
perh° it is not, &c.’; 3.
स्याद् अस्ति च ना-स्ति च, ‘
perh° it is and is not [under certain circumstances]’; 4.
स्याद् अवक्तव्यः, ‘
perh° it is not expressible in words’; 5.
स्याद् अस्ति चा-वक्तव्यः, ‘perhaps it is and is not expressible in words’; 6.
स्यान् ना-स्ति चा-वक्तव्यः, ‘perhaps it is not and is not expressible in words’; 7.
स्याद् अस्ति च ना-स्ति चा-वक्तव्यः ‘perhaps it is and is not and is not expressible in words'),