Dictionaries | References


   { anuśī }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनु   -√ 1.शीcl. 2. Ā.-शेते, to sleep with, lie along or close, adhere closely to.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनुशी [anuśī]   2 A.
   To lie or sleep with, sleep along with; lie upon, close or along; lay oneself down; to adhere to or follow closely, cling or stick to; शयानं चानुशेते हि तिष्ठन्तमनुतिष्ठति । अनुधावति धावन्तं कर्म पूर्वकृतं नरम् ॥ Subhāṣita.
   To repent, grieve for; दत्तमिष्टमपि नान्वशेत सः [Śi.14.45;] पुरानुशेते तव चञ्चलं मनः [Ki.8.8.]

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