आवर्तन [āvartana] a.
Turning round or towards.
नम् Turning round; returning, revolution.
Circular motion, gyration.
Churning or stirring up anything in fusion.
Melting together, fusion, alligation (said of metals).
Mid-day, the time when shadows are cast in an opposite direction.
Repeating, doing over and over again.
Study, practising.
A year; आवर्तनानि चत्वारि
[Mb.13.17.25.] नः Viṣṇu.
N. N. of an उपद्वीप in the जन्बुद्वीप.
नी a crucible.
a spoon, ladle.
magic art; विद्यामावर्तनीं पुण्यामावर्तयति स द्विजः
[Rām.7.88.2.] (सांग्रहणी विद्या.)