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   { ōjas }
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   See : ओज


ओजस् n.  वैशाख माह में अर्यमा नामक सूर्य के साथ साथ घूमनेवाला यक्ष [भा. १२. ११. ३४]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ओजस्  n. n. (√ वज्, or उज्; cf.उग्र), bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability, power, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body), [Suśr.] &c.
   (in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)
   vigorous or emphatic expression, [Sāh.] ; [Vām.]
   water, [L.]
   light, splendour, lustre, [L.]
   manifestation, appearance, [L.]
   support, [L.]
ओजस्  m. m.N. of a यक्ष, [BhP.] ;
ओजस्   [cf.Zd.avjaṅh, ‘power’; Gk.ὑγ-ιές, αὐγ-ή, ἐρι-αυγής; Lat.vigēre, augere, augur, augus-tus, auxilium; Goth.aukan, Eng.eke.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ओजस् [ōjas]  n. n.
   Bodily strength, vigour; energy, ability.
   Vitality; [Ms.1.16.]
   Virility, the generative faculty. The writers on Āyurveda, however, disstinguish between ओजस् and शुक्रम्; cf. क्षीरस्थघृतमिव भिन्न- मोजः शुक्रेण Ḍalhaṇa. रसादीनां शुक्रान्तानां धातूनां यत् परं तेजस्तत् खलु ओजः Sruśr. ओजोविवृद्धौ देहस्य तुष्टि-पुष्टिबलोदयाः Aṣṭāṅga.
   Splendour, light; [Bhāg.7.3.23.]
   (In Rhet.) An elaborate form of style, abundance of compounds; (considered by Daṇḍin to be the 'soul of prose'); ओजः समासभूयस्त्वमेतद्गद्यस्य जीवितम् [Kāv.1.8;] see K. P.8 also; said to be of 5 kinds in [R. G.]
   (In Astr.) Each alternate sign of the zodiac (as the first, third &c.).
   Metallic lustre.
   Manifestation, appearance.
   Skill in the use of weapons.
   Speed; एष ह्यतिबलः सैन्ये रथेन पवनौजसा [Rām.7.29.12.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ओजस्  n.  (-जः)
   1. Light, splendor.
   2. Manifestaion, appearance.
   3. Strength.
   4. Support, stay.
   5. Metallic lustre.
   6. Vitality, the principle of vital warmth and action diffused throughout the body.
   7. Virility, the generative faculty.
   8. A form of style, elabo- rate style, abounding with compounds.
   9. (In astrology,) Each alternate sign of the zodiac, first, third, fifth, &c.
   E. ओज to live, and असुन् affix; or
ओज असुन्
   with अच् affix ओज.

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