Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गो—रोचना  f. f. a bright yellow orpiment prepared from the bile of cattle (employed in painting, dyeing, and in marking the तिलक on the forehead ; in med. used as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy), [MBh. xiii, 6149] ; [Vikr. v, 19] ; [Kum.] ; [VarBṛS. &c.]
गो रोचना


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गोरोचना  f.  (-ना) A bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine of a cow, or vomited in the shape of scibulæ by the animal; or accor- ding to some, found in the head of a cow; it is employed in paint- ing and dying, and is of especial virtue in marking the foreheads of the Hindus with the Tilaka or sectarial mark; it is also used in medicine as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy, &c.
   E. गो a cow, रुचि to shine, affix ल्युट्. गोभ्यो जाता रोचना हरिद्रा .
गो रुचि ल्युट् गोभ्यो जाता रोचना हरिद्रा .

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