च्यु 1. (and च्युस्) cl. 10. च्यावयति (च्योसय्°) = √ सह् or हस्, [Dhātup. xxxiii, 72.] च्यु 2.cl. 1. च्य॑वते (ep. also °ति; Subj. 1. sg. च्य॑वम्, [RV. i, 165, 10] ; 3. pl. च्यवन्त, 48, 2fut. च्योष्यते, [AitBr. ii, 22] ; aor. 2. pl. अच्योढ्वम् [Subj. च्य्°, [MahānārUp.] ] and Prec. च्योषीढ्वम्, [Pāṇ. 8-3, 78] ; [Kāś.] ) to move to and fro, shake about, [RV. i, 167, 8] ; to stir, move from one's place, go away, retire from ( abl. ), turn off; vi, 62, 7; x; [BhP. ix, 14, 20] ; to deviate from ( abl. ), abandon (duty &c. abl. ; exceptionally gen. [MBh. xv, 463 [C]]inf. च्यवितुम्), [Mn. vii, 98] ; [MBh. iii] ; to come forth from, come out of. drop from, trickle, stream forth from ( abl. ; cf. √ 2.च्युत्), 14598; [R. ii, 39, 15] ; to fall down, fall, slide from ( abl. ), v, 13, 31; to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man), [Jain.] ; to die, [Buddh.] ; ‘to fall from’, be deprived of, lose (with abl. ), [Mn. iii, 140; viii, 103] ; [Bhaṭṭ. iii, 20] ( aor. अच्योष्ट); to fall away, fade away, disappear, vanish, perish, [Mn. xii, 96] ; [MBh.] ; [BhP. iii, 28, 18] ; to fail, [MBh. v, 1089] ; to sink down, sink ( lit. and fig. ), [MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 9] ; (in the series of re-births), [Bhag. ix, 24] ; to decrease (with instr. ), [MBh. iii, 14141] ; to bring about, create, make, [RV. i, 48, 2; iv, 30, 22] ( pf. 2. sg. चिच्युषे॑cf. [Pāṇ. 6-1, 36] ); 8-45, 25 ( pf. चुच्युवे॑); to cause to go away, make forget, [MahānārUp.] ; Caus. च्याव॑यति (once च्यव्°, [ŚāṅkhBr. xii, 5] ; [Padap.] always च्यव्°, p. च्याव॑यत्, [RV. iii, 30, 4] ; impf. अचुच्यवुर्, i, 166, 5 and 168, 4; pf. च्यावयाम् आस, [MBh. iii, 15920] ) P. to cause to move, shake, agitate, [RV. i;iii, 30, 4] ; [AV. x, xii] ; |