Dictionaries | References


   { jharjharḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
झर्झर  m. m. a kind of drum, vi ff.">[MBh. vi ff.] ; [Pāṇ. 4-4, 56] ; [Hariv.] ; vi, 99, 23">[R. vi, 99, 23]
   a strainer, 11, 125">[Bhpr. v, 11, 125]
°रक   = , [L.]
   N. of a दैत्य (son of हिरण्याक्ष), [Hariv. 194]
   of a river, [L.]
झर्झर  n. n. a sound as of splashing or dropping, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
झर्झरः [jharjharḥ]   1 A sort of drum.
   The kali age.
   A cane-staff.
   An iron instrument used in cooking.
   A cymbal.
-रा   A whore, harlot.
-री   A sort of drum.
-रम्   A sound as of splashing or dropping.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
झर्झर  mf.  (-रः-री) A sort of drum.
  m.  (-रः)
   1. The Kaliyuga, the pre- sent Yug or age of the world.
   2. The name of a river.
   3. A cane- staff.
   4. A cymbal
  f.  (-रा) A whore.
  n.  (-रं) A sound as of splashing or dropping.
   E. झर्झ an imitative sound like that of water splash- ing, &c. and what makes, from रा
   with affix, or झर्झ to cen- sure, and करच् Unadi aff.

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