दैव [daiva] a. a. (-वी f.) [देवादागतः अण्] Relating to gods, caused by or coming from gods, divine, celestial; संस्कृतं नाम दैवी वागन्वाख्याता महर्षिभिः [Kāv.1.33;] दैवीनां मानुषीणां च प्रतिहर्ता त्वमापदाम् [R.1.6;] [Y.2.235;] [Bg.4.25;] 9.13;16.3; [Ms.3.75.] Royal; दैवी वाग्यस्य नाभवत् [Rāj. T.5.26.] Depending on fate, fatal. Possessing the quality of सत्त्व. वः (i. e. विवाहः) One of the eight forms of marriage, that in which the daughter is given away at a sacrifice to the officiating priest; यज्ञस्य ऋत्विजे दैवः [Y.1.59] (for the eight forms of marriage see उद्वाह or [Ms.3.21] ). A worshipper of god (देवभक्त); दैवान् सर्वे गुणवन्तो भवन्ति [Mb. 12.158.35.] वम् Fate, destiny, luck, fortune; पूर्वजन्म- कृतं कर्म तद्दैवमिति कथ्यते H. दैवमविद्वांसः प्रमाणयन्ति [Mu.3;] विना पुरुषकारेण दैवमत्र न सिध्यति 'God helps those who help themselves'; दैवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या [Pt.1.361.] (दैवात् by chance, luckily, accidentally.) A god, deity. A religious rite or offering, an oblation to gods; उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल कर्तव्यं दैवमाह्निकम् [Rām.1.23.2.] A kind of Śrāddha ceremony. Parts of the hands sacred to the gods, i. e. the tips of the fingers; cf. [Ms.2.59.] Royal duties; न तु केवलदैवेन प्रजाभावेन रेमिरे [Mb.1.222.1.] A science phenomena, unusuals (उत्पातs); [Ch. Up. 7.1.2.] वी A woman married according to the form of marriage called daiva q. v. above. a. a. Divine, super-human; दैवी संपद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता [Bg.16.5.] A division of medicine (the medical use of charms, prayers &c.). -Comp. -अत्ययः evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena. -अधीन, -आयत्त a. a. dependent on fate; दैवायत्तं कुले जन्म मदायत्तं तु पौरुषम् [Ve.3.33.] -अहोरात्रः a day of the gods i. e. the human year.-इज्य a. sacred to Jupiter (गुरु), -topaz. -उपहत a. a. illfated, unfortunate; दैवेनोपहतस्य बुद्धिरथवा सर्वा विपर्यस्यति [Mu.6.8.] -ऊढा a woman married according to the Daiva ritual. ˚ज the son of such a woman; दैवोढाजः सुतश्चैव सप्त सप्त परावरान् [Ms.3.38.] -कर्मन् n. n. offering, oblations to gods. -कृत a. fated. natural. -कोविद्, -चिन्तकः, -ज्ञः an astrologer, a fortune-teller, पुरोहित प्रकुर्वीत दैवज्ञमुदितोदितम् [Y.1.313;] [Kām.9,25.] -गतिः f. f. turn or course of fate; मुक्ताजालं चिरपरिचितं त्याजितो दैवगत्या [Me.96.;] [Pt.3.174.] -चिन्ता fatalism; astrology. -ज्ञ a. a. knowing fate or men's destinies. -तन्त्र a. a. dependent on fate. -दत्त a. a. innate, -दीपः the eye. -दुर्विपाकः hardness of fortune, adverseness or unpropitiousness of fate, an evil turn of fate; [U.1.4.] -दोषः badness of fate. trusting to fate, fatalist. fated. predestined. प्रश्नः fortune-telling, astrology. a voice from heaven. नक्तं निर्गत्य यत्किञ्चिच्छुभाशुभकरं वचः । श्रूयते तद्विदुर्धीरा दैवप्रश्नमुपश्रुतिम् ॥ -युगम् 'a Yuga of the gods' said to consist of 12 divine years, but see Kull. on एतद् द्वादशसाहस्रं देवानां युगमुच्यते [Ms.1.71.] -योगः a lucky coincidence, fortuitous combination, fortune, chance. (दैवयोगेन, दैवयोगात् fortunately, accidentally.)-रक्षित a. guarded by the gods; अरक्षितं तिष्ठति दैवरक्षितम् Subhāṣ. -लेखकः a fortune-teller, an astrologer. -वशः, -शम् the power of destiny, subjection to fate. वाणी a voice from heaven. the Sanskrit language; cf. [Kāv.1.33.] quoted above. -विद् m. m. an astrologer.-सभेयम् a variety of sandal-wood red and smelling like a lotus-flower; [Kau.A.2.11.] -हत a. a. ill-fated; सुरक्षितं दैवहतं विनश्यति Subhāṣ. -हीन a. a. ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky.