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   { dharman }
Script: Devanagari


धर्मन् n.  (सू.इ.भविष्य.) विष्णु के मत में यह बृहद्राज का पुत्र । इसके लिये धर्मिन् तथा बर्हि नाम भी है ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धर्मन्  m. m. bearer, supporter, arranger, [RV.]
   N. of a son of बृहद्-राज and father of कृतं-जय, [VP.]
धर्मन्  n. n. (older than ध॑र्मq.v., in later language mostly ifc.; cf. below) support, prop, hold, [RV.] ; [VS.]
   established order of things, steadfast decree (of a god, esp. of मित्र-वरुण), any arrangement or disposition
   will, pleasure
   law, rule, duty
धर्मणा   practice, custom, mode, manner (, °मभिस्; °मणस् प॑रि in regular order, naturally; स्वाय धर् मणे at one's own pleasure; धर्मणि with the permission of, अ॑धि ध्° against the will of [gen.]), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.]
अन्-उच्छित्ति   (esp.ifc.) nature, quality, characteristic mark or attribute, [ŚBr.] (cf.-), [MBh.] (cf.उञ्छ- [add.], क्षत्र-, फल-, फेन.), [Var.] (cf.दस्यु- [add.]), [Kap.] (cf.चिद्-ध्° [add.]), [Kāv.] (cf.विनाश-.).
अन् उच्छित्ति


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धर्मन् [dharman]  m. m. [धृ-मनिन्]
   A preserver, maintainer, supporter. -n.
   A religious rite.
   Support, stay.
   Religion, duty.
   Law, custom.
   A mode, manner.
   Characteristic quality or mark.

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