न 1. the dental nasal (found at the beginning of words and before or after dental consonants as well as between vowels; subject to conversion into ण, [Pāṇ. 8-4, 1-39] ). न n. 2.ind. not, no, nor, neither, [RV.] (ना, x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [cf. 1.मा]; in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. [Mn. iv, 34] ; or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by उ [cf. नो-], उत॑, अपि, चा-पि, वा, वा-पि or अथ वा, [RV. i, 170, 1; 151, 9] ; [Nal. iii, 24, &c.] ; it may even be replaced by च, वा, अपि च, अपि वा, &c. alone, as, [Mn. ii, 98] ; [Nal. i, 14, &c.] ; often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following तु, त्व् एव, त्व् एव तु, चे-द्q.v. , खलुq.v. , ह [cf. g. चा-दि and, [Pāṇ. 8-1, 31] ] &c.; before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency e.g. एकया न विंशति, not 20 by 1 i.e. 19 [ŚBr.] ; पञ्चभिर् न चत्वारि शतानि, 395 ib.; with another न or an अpriv. it generally forms a strong affirmation [cf. [Vām. v, 1, 9] ] e.g. ने-यं न वक्ष्यति, she will most certainly declare, [Śak. iii, 9] ; ना-दण्ड्यो ऽस्ति, he must certainly be punished, [Mn. viii, 335] ; it may also, like अ, form compounds, [Vām. v, 2, 13] [cf. below]) that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot. ), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Daś. &c.] गौरो न तृषितः पिब like, as, as it were (only in वेद and later artificial language, e.g. , drink like [lit. ‘not’ i.e. ‘although not being’] a thirsty deer; in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). न [cf. Gk. νη-; Lat. nĕ-; Angl.Sax. ne, ‘not’; Eng. no, &c.] न mfn. 3.mfn. ([L.] ) thin, spare vacant, empty identical unvexed, unbroken न m. m. band, fetter jewel, pearl war gift welfare N. of बुद्ध N. of गणेश प्रस्तुत = द्विरण्ड = (?)