पर्वन् n. n. a knot, joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. परुस्], but also of the body), limb, member (lit. and fig. ), [RV.] &c. &c. a break, pause, division, section (esp. of a book), [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c. the step of a staircase, [Ragh.] a member of a compound, [Prāt.] ; [Nir.] a period or fixed time, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [GṛŚrS.] (esp. ) the चातुर्मास्य festival, [ŚrS.] the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the m° and the 8th and 14th of each half-month), [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon, [R.] the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction, [Var.] ; [Sūryas.] ; [MBh.] &c. the moment of the sun's entering a new sign, [W.] any partic. period of the year (as the equinox, solstice &c.), ib. a division of time e.g. a half-month (24 in a year), [MBh.] a day (360), [BhP.] a festival, holiday, [W.] opportunity, occasion, ib. a moment, instant, ib.