Dictionaries | References


   { puṇḍra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   An ancient region of Bhārata. The region comprised then the present district of Mālada, certain portions on the east coast of river Kosī and certain portions of Dinājpur. king Pāṇḍu conquered Puṇḍra. [Chapter 112, Ādi Parva] . The people of Puṇḍra came to the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira with presents. The Pauṇḍrakavāsudeva mentioned in the [Bhāgavata] was the king of Puṇḍra. Karṇa and arjuna conquered this country at different times. [Chapter 52, Sabhā Parva] ;[Chapter 8, Karṇa Parva] ;[Chapter 82, Āśvamedhika Parva] .
PUṆḌRA I   An ancient king in Bhārata. [Śloka 224, Chapter 1, Ādi Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्ड्र  m. m.N. of a son of the दैत्यबलि (ancestor of the पुण्ड्रs), [MBh.]
   (pl.) of a people and their country (the modern bengal and Behar), [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   of a son of वसु-देव, [VP.]
   sugar-cane (or a red variety of it), [L.]
   Gaertnera Racemosa, [L.]
   Ficus Infectoria, [L.]
   Clerodendrum Phlomoides, [L.]
   a white lotus-flower, [L.]
   a worm, [L.]
पुण्ड्र  mn. mn. a mark or line made on the forehead with ashes or colouring substances to distinguish वैष्णवs fr.शैवs &c., a sectarian mark, KātyŚr. Sch.; 66; 67">[RTL. 66; 67] (cf.ऊर्ध्व-प्°, त्रि-प्°)
पुण्ड्र  n. n.N. of a mythical city between the mountains हिम-वत् and हेमकूट, [VāyuP.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्ड्र  n.  (-ण्ड्रं)
   1. A red variety of the common sugarcane, (Saccharum officinarum.)
   2. The name of a Daitya or infernal being, consi- dered as incarnate in ŚISUPĀLA.
   3. A mark or line made on the forehead with sandal, &c.
   4. A sort of creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.)
   5. A worm.
   6. A white lotus.
   7. The name of a country, the greater part of bengal and part of Behar. m. plu. (-ण्ड्राः) The inhabitants of that country.
   E. पुडि to rub, aff. रक् .
पुडि रक् .

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