पुष्कल mfn. mf(आ)n. (cf. पुष्क) much, many, numerous, copious, abundant, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. rich, magnificent, full, complete, strong, powerful, excellent, best, [AV.] &c. &c. loud, resonant, resounding, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] purified, [L.] पुष्कल m. m. (v.l. °कर) a kind of drum, [MBh.] (in music) a Partic. stringed instrument N. of शिव, [Śivag.] of a son of वरुण, [L.] of an असुर, [Hariv.] of a ऋषि, [Cat.] of a son of भरत, [R.] of a बुद्ध, [Lalit.] पुष्कल n. m. of a तीर्थ (rather n.), [L.] पुष्कल m. m.pl. N. of, people, [MārkP.] of the military caste in कुशद्वीप, [VP.] पुष्कल f. n. (ifc. f(आ). ) the bowl of a spoon, [Gṛhyās.] (v.l. °कर) पुष्कल n. n. a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 कुञ्चिs = 64 handfuls), [ĀpŚr.] Sch. a partic. weight of gold, KātyŚr. Sch. alms to the extent of 4 mouthfuls of food, [W.] (rather m.) N. of mount मेरु, [L.]