प्र-√ जन् Ā. -जायते (ep. also P. °ति), to be born or produced, spring up from (abl. ) be begotten (by [instr. or abl. ]; from [abl. ]; or with [loc. ]; in [loc. or अधि]), [RV.] &c. &c.; to become an embryo, [ŚBr.] ; to be born again, [MBh.] ; to propagate offspring with or by (instr. ), [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] ; to bring forth, generate, bear, procreate (acc. ); beget on (loc. or instr. ), [MBh.] ; to cause to be reproduced, [ŚBr.] : Caus. -जनयति, to cause any one (acc. ) to propagate offspring (instr. ), [RV.] ; to beget, procreate, [MaitrS.] (aor. प्रजनयाम् अकः; cf. [Pāṇ. 3-1, 42] ), [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; to cause to be reproduced, [ŚBr.] : Desid. -जिजनिषते, to wish to be born, [ŚBr.] : Desid. of Caus. -जिजनयिषति, to wish to cause to be conceived or born, ib.