मुष् 1.cl. 1. P. मोषतिv.l. for √ मष्q.v. मुष् 2.cl. 9. 1. P. ([Dhātup. xxxi, 58 and xvii, 25] v.l. ; cf. √ 1.मूष्) मुष्णा॑ति, मो॑षति (ep. also cl. 6. P. मुषति; 2. sg. Imp. मुषाण, [Śiś.] ; pf. मुमोष; aor. अमोषीत्, 2. sg. मोषीस्, [RV.] ; fut. मोषिता, मोषिष्यतिGr. ; ind.p. मुषित्वा, [Daś.] ; [Kathās.] ; मु॑द्ष्य, [RV.] ; inf. मुषे॑, ib.; मोषितुम्Gr. ), to steal, rob, plunder, carry off (also with two acc. = take away from, deprive of), [RV.] &c. &c.; to ravish, captivate, enrapture (the eyes or the heart), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to blind, dazzle (the eyes), ib.; to cloud, obscure (light or the intellect), ib.; to break, destroy, [Kāvyâd.] ( cf. √ मुस्) : Pass. , मुष्यते ( ep. also °ति; aor. अमोषि), to be stolen or robbed, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. , नोषयति ( aor. अमूमुषत्) Gr. : Desid. मुमुषिषति, ib. ( cf. मुनुषिषु) : Intens. मोमुष्यते, मोमोष्टि, ib. [For kindred words See under 2. मू॑ष्, p.827.] मुष् mfn. 3.mfn. (ifc. ; nom. मुट्), stealing, robbing, removing, destroying, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. surpassing, excelling, [Megh.] ; [Kād.] ; [Bālar.] मुष् f. f. stealing, theft, [MW.]