मुष्टिः [muṣṭiḥ] m. m., f. [मुष्-क्तिच्]
The clenched hand, fist; कर्णान्तमेत्य विभिदे निबिडोऽपि मुष्टिः
[R.9.58;15.21;] [Śi.1.59.] A handful, fistful; श्यामाकमुष्टिपरिवर्धितकः Ś4.14;
[R.19.57;] [Ku.7.69;] [Me.7.] A handle or hilt.
A particular measure (= pala).
A measure of capacity equal to one handful.
The penis.
Stealing (only f.).
A compendium, abridgment.
A measure used in checking the account of the income and expenditure of a country; 'जनपदायव्ययशोधको मुष्टिः' Bhūṣaṇā मुष्टिमर्धमुष्टिं वाऽभ्यन्तरीकृत्य कृत्स्नमायव्ययजातम्
[Dk. 2.8.] -Comp.
-करणम् clenching the fist.
-ग्रहः clasping with one hand.
-देशः the middle of a bow, that part of it which is grasped in the hand.
-द्यूतम् a kind of game.
-पातः boxing.
बन्धः clenching the fist.
a handful.
-मान्द्यम् slight loosening of the bowstring.
-मेय a. a. to be measured with the fist, to be spanned with the fingers.
-युद्धम् a pugilistic encounter, boxing.
-योगः the offering of handfuls (i. e. small quantities).
-वधः devastation of the crop; अतो मुष्टिवधः सस्यवधो वा यदोत्पद्यते तदाऽभियास्यसि
[Dk.2.3.] -वर्चस् n. n. the feces compacted into a ball.