रूपक [rūpaka] a. a. [रूप्-ण्वुल्] Bodily, corporeal.
Figurative (as words &c.).
-कः A particular coin, a rupee.
कम् Form, figure, shape (at the end of comp.).
Any manifestation or representation.
A sign, feature.
A kind, species.
A statue; चित्रतत्तदनुकार्यविभ्रमाधाय्य- नेकविधिरूपरूपकम्
[N.18.12;] द्वारशाखोपशोभारूपकमात्रम्
[Ks.] A drama, play, a dramatic composition; (one of the two main subdivisions of dramatic compositions; it is divided into ten classes; there are eighteen minor divisions of it called उपरूपक); दृश्यं तत्राभिनेयं तद्रूपारोपात्तु रूपकम्
[S. D.272-3;] also नाटकमथ प्रकरणं भाणव्यायोगसमव- कारडिमाः । ईहामृगाङ्कवीथ्यः प्रहसनमिति रूपकाणि दश
[S. D.;] उच्चैरुच्च- रितपदां पपाठ नान्दीं प्रारम्भे द्रुतमययानरूपकस्य
[Śiva.B.24.68.] (In Rhet.) A figure of speech corresponding to the English metaphor, in which the upameya is represented as being identical with the upamāna; तद्रूपकमभेदो य उपमानोपमेययोः K. P.1 (see ad loc. for details).
A kind of weight (= the gunjas). -Comp.
-तालः a particular time in music.
-नृत्यम् a kind of dance.-रूपकम् a particular kind of रूपक.
-शब्दः a figurative or metaphorical expression.