वच् cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 55] ) वक्ति (occurs only in sg. वच्मि, वक्षि, वक्ति, and Impv. वक्तु; Ved. also cl. 3. P. वि॑वक्ति; pf. उवा॑च, ऊज्, [RV.] &c. &c.; उव॑क्थ, [AV.] ; ववाच, ववक्षे॑, [RV.] ; aor. अवोचत्, °चत, [RV.] &c. &c.; in वेद also Subj. वोचति, °ते, वेचाति; Pot. वोचे॑त्, °चेत; Impv. वोचतु; Prec. उच्यासम्, [Br.] ; fut. वक्ता॑, ib. &c.; वक्ष्य॑ति, [RV.] &c. &c.; °ते, [MBh.] ; Cond. अवक्ष्यत्, [Br.] ; [Up.] ; inf. व॑क्तुम्, [Br.] &c.; °तवे, [RV.] ; °तोस्, [Br.] ; ind.p. उक्त्वा॑, [Br.] &c.; -उ॑च्य, ib.), to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe (with acc. with or without प्रतिdat. or gen. of pers. , and acc. of thing; often with double acc. e.g. तम् इदं वाक्यम् उवाच, ‘he spoke this speech to him’; with double acc. also ‘to name, call,’ Ā. with nom. ‘one's self’; with पुनर्, ‘to speak again, repeat’; or ‘to answer, reply’), [RV.] &c. &c.; to reproach, revile ( acc. ), [Hariv.] ; [R.] : Pass. उच्य॑ते ( aor. अवाचि, or in later language अवोचि), to be spoken or said or told or uttered &c., [RV.] &c. &c. ( यद् उच्यते, ‘what the saying is’); to resound, [RV.] ; to be called or accounted, be regarded as, pass for ( nom. [L.] also loc. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.: Caus. वाचयति, °ते ( Pot. वाचयीत, [ĀśvGṛ.] ; aor. अवीवचत्; Pass. वाच्यते), to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with, double acc. ; often the object is to be supplied), [Br.] ; [GṛS.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to cause anything written or printed to speak i.e. to read out loud, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] &c.; ( [Dhātup. xxxiv, 35] ) to say, tell, declare, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to promise, [MBh.] : Desid. विवक्षति, °ते ( Pass. विवक्ष्यते), to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; ( Pass. ) to be meant, [Śaṃk.] ; [Sarvad.] : Intens. (only अ॑वावचीत्) to call or cry aloud, [RV. x, 102, 6.] वच् [cf. Gk. ἐπ for ϝεπ in ἔπος, ὄψ, ὄσσα &c.; Lat. vocare, vox; Germ. gi-waht, gi-wahinnen, er-wähnen.]