Dictionaries | References


   { vibhāvḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vibhāva m S One of the भाव or classes of properties into which the objects of poetical composition are divided,--the causative or exciting property. See अनुभाव, स्थायीभाव, व्यभिचारिभाव, भाव.


  पु. काव्यहेतूच्या प्रकारांपैकीं एक ; काव्यस्फूर्तीचें कारण ; उद्दीपक गोष्ट . भाव , अनुभाव , स्थायीभाव पहा . [ सं . वि + भू ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-°भाव  mfn. 1. (for 2. See p. 978, col. 3) mf(अरी See next)n. (voc.वि-भावस्), id., ib.
वि °भाव
वि-भाव   a1. and 2.. See above and p. 978, col. 3.
वि भाव
वि-भाव  n. 2.m. (for 1. See under वि-√ भा) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body, any cause of emotion (e.g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama, as opp. to the अनु-भाव or external signs or effects of emotion), [Bhar.] ; [Daśar.] ; [Sāh.] (-त्वn.)
वि भाव
   a friend, acquaintance, [L.]
   N. of शिव, [Pañcar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विभावः [vibhāvḥ]   1 (In Rhet.) Any condition which produces or develops a particular state of body or mind; (one of the three main divisions of Bhāvas, the other two being अनुभाव and व्यभिचारिभाव q. q. v. v.); रत्याद्युद्बोधका लोके विभावाः काव्यनाट्ययोः [S. D.62;] its chief subdivisions are आलम्बन and उद्दीपक; see आलम्बन.
   A friend, an acquaintance.
   Any exciting circumstance (as dress &c.).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विभाव  m.  (-वः)
   1. A friend or acquaintance.
   2. One of the Bhāyas or classes of properties into which the objects of poetical composi- tion are divided; the causative or exciting property, as dress, perfumes, &c. of amorous desire; extravagant gesture of mirth; [Page665-a+ 60] distress or pain of tenderness; arms and tumult of wrath or heroism, &c.
   E. वि various, and भाव property, disposition.
वि भाव

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