शिक्ष् (properly Desid. of √ शक्; cf. [Pāṇ. 7-4, 54] ) cl. 1. Ā. P. शि॑क्षति, °ते (in later language oftener Ā. .; cf. [Dhātup. xvi, 4] ; pr. p. शि॑क्षत्, शि॑क्षमाण, [RV.] ; शिक्षाण, [MBh.] ; Impv. शिशिक्ष, [Nir.] ; aor. अशिक्षिष्ट, [Bhaṭṭ.] ), ‘to wish to be able’, (P. ) try to effect, attempt, undertake, [TS.] ; [AV.] ; ( Ā. ; rarely P. ) to learn, acquire knowledge, study, practise, learn from ( abl. or सकाशात् with gen. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to practise one's self in ( loc. ), [Kathās.] ( cf. [Pāṇ. 1-3, 2] , Vārtt. 3 Sch. ); ‘to wish to be able to effect for others’ ( P. ) wish to help, aid, befriend ( dat. ), [RV.] ; ( P. ) to wish to give, bestow, ib.; ( P. ) to wish to present with ( instr. ), [Nir.] ; [ŚāṅkhBr.] ; ( Ā. ) to offer one's service to, enter the service of ( acc. ), [MBh.] : Pass. शिक्ष्यते ( aor. अशिक्षि), to be learnt or practised, [Kād.] ; [Kathās.] : Caus. शिक्षयति (rarely °ते; aor. अशिशिक्षत्), to cause to learn, impart knowledge, inform, instruct, teach (with acc. of pers. or thing; also with two acc. , or with acc. of pers. and loc. of thing, or with acc. of pers. and inf. , or with acc. of thing and gen. of pers. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh. &c.]