Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   śrīkāra m The word श्री written at the top of a book, letter, or other piece of writing as an invocation to Gan̤esha. 2 Amongst clothiers and others. The direction or mark written on a piece of goods. 3 Laxly. The heading of an account or other paper.
   śrīkāra a opulent or substantial; flourishing, thriving, reputable;--as a merchant or tradesman.


  पु. ग्रंथ , पत्र , लेख वगैरेच्या आरंभी काढावयाचें शुभदर्शक श्री हें अक्षर . २ व्यापारी वगैरे लोकांत मालावर मंगलदर्शक श्री अक्षराचें चिन्ह करतात तें . ३ हिशेब , लेख वगैरेचें शीर्षक . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
श्री—कार  m. m. the word श्री (written at the top of a book or letter &c.), [MW.]

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