श्लिष् 1. (cf. √ 1.श्रिष्) cl. 1. P. श्लेषति, to burn, [Dhātup. xvii, 52.] श्लिष् 2. (cf. √ 2.श्रिष्) cl. 4. P. ([Dhātup. xxvi, 77] ) श्लि॑ष्यति (rarely °ते; pf. शिश्लेष, [Br.] &c.; aor. अश्लिषत्, [MBh.] &c.; अश्लिक्षत् [only in the sense of ‘to embrace’ [Pāṇ. 3-1, 46] ] or अश्लैक्षीत् [?] Gr. ; fut. श्लेष्टा, श्लेक्ष्यति, ib.; inf. श्लेष्टुम्, [Kāv.] ; ind.p. श्लिष्ट्वा, ib.; -श्लिष्य, [MBh.] &c.), to adhere, attach, cling to (loc. , rarely acc. ), [Suśr.] ; [ChUp.] ; [MBh.] ; to clasp, embrace, [Gaut.] ; [Gīt.] ; [BhP.] ; to unite, join (trans. or intrans.), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; (Ā. ) to result, be the consequence of anything, [Śaṃk.] : Pass. श्लिष्यते (aor. अश्लेषि), to be joined or connected, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to be implied or intimated, [MW.] : Caus. ([Dhātup. xxxii, 38] ) श्लेषयति, °ते (aor. अशिश्लिषत्), to (cause to) connect or embrace (cf. श्लेषित) Desid. शिश्लिक्षते (Gr. also °ति), to wish to clasp, cling to, [AV.] (not in MS. ) : Intens. शेश्लिष्यते, शेश्लेष्टिGr.