सं-तति f. f. stretching or extending along, expanse, continuity, uninterruptedness,
[TS.] &c. &c.
causal connection (of things),
[MBh. i, 291] (
[Nīlak.] )
a continuous line or series or flow, heap, mass, multitude,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
density, intensity (of darkness),
[Rājat.] uninterrupted succession, lineage, race, progeny, offspring,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
धी-स्° continued meditation (= ),
[Prab.] disposition, feeling,
[Divyâv.] -होम = ,
[ŚBr.] सं-नति N. of a daughter of
दक्ष and wife of
क्रतु (
cf. ),
[MārkP.] सं-तति m. m.N. of a son of