Dictionaries | References स संसृज् { saṃsṛj } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संसृज् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सं-√ सृज् aP.Ā.-सृजति, °ते (2. sg.aor.-स्राः, [AV.] ), to hit with (instr.), 33, 13">[RV. i, 33, 13] ; to visit or afflict with (instr.), xi, 2, 26">[AV. xi, 2, 26] ; to join or unite or mix or mingle or endow or present with (instr.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [Br.] ; [Āp.] ; [MBh.] ; (with युधः) to engage in battle, 10, 24">[AV. x, 10, 24] ; to create, ---10--- ; [Pur.] ; (Ā.) to share anything with others, [MaitrS.] ; (A. or pass.) to join one's self. be joined or united or mingled or confused, come into contact with, meet (as friends or foes, also applied to sexual intercourse; with instr. with or without सह), ---13--- &c. &c.: Caus.-सर्जयति, to attract, win over, conciliate, [Baudh.] ; [Kām.] ; to furnish with (instr.), provide any one with anything, [Car.] : Desid.-सिसृक्षति, to wish to create together or to partake of creation, [BhP.] <br> ROOTS:सं √ सृज्सं-सृज् f. bf. commingling, collision, 84, 6.">[RV. x, 84, 6.] <br> ROOTS:सं सृज् Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संसृज् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | संसृज् [saṃsṛj] 6 [P.] <br> To mix, mingle, unite with, bring in contact with; संसृज्यते सरसिजैररुणांशुभिन्नैः [R.5.69;] अस्ना रक्षः संसृजतात् [Ait. Br.] <br> To join, meet; सौमित्रिणा तदनु संससृजे [R.13.73;] [Ku.7.74.] <br> To create, form.<br> To endow or furnish with.<br> To embrace; स्वेदः स्वदेहस्य वियोगतापं निर्वापयिष्यन्निव संसिसृक्षोः [N.14.21.] <br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संसृज् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | see : मिश्र्, कामय<br> Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP