सृज् 1. (cf. √ 1. 2. सर्ज्) cl. 6. P. ([Dhātup. xxviii, 121] ) सृज॑ति (Ved. and ep. also °ते, and once in [AV.] स॑र्जति; pf. ससर्ज, ससृजे॑ [2. sg. accord. to [Pāṇ. 7-2, 65] , ससर्जिथ and सस्रष्ठ, in [BhP.] once ससर्क्थ]; Vedic forms are ससृज्म॑हे, °ज्रिरे, ससृज्यात्, अससृग्रम्; p. ससृजान॑q.v. ; ससृग्म॑हे; aor. अस्राक्षीत्; अ॑सृक्षि, अ॑सृष्ट [Ved. also अ॑सृग्रम् or °रन्; अ॑सर्जि; अस्राक्, अस्राट्; स्रास्; स्रक्षत्; p. सृजान॑q.v. ] ib.; fut. स्रष्टा, [PañcavBr.] ; स्रक्ष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; inf. स्रष्टुम्, [MBh.] &c.; ind.p. सृष्ट्वा, [Br.] ; -सृ॑ज्य, ib. &c.; -स॑र्गम् or -स॑र्जम्, [Br.] ), to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at ( acc. or dat. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to cast or let go (a measuring line), [RV.] ; to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams &c.), ib. &c. &c.; to utter (a sound), [Kathās.] ; to turn or direct (glances), [Kum.] ; to let loose, cause (horses) to go quickly; Ā. ‘to speed, run, hasten’ [RV.] ; to release, set free, ib.; [AV.] ; [Kauś.] ; to open (a door), [Kauś.] ; to publish, proclaim, [AitBr.] ; to draw out and twist (a thread), twist, wind, spin ( lit. and fig. ; Ā. सृज्यते, ‘for one's self’; cf. [Pat.] on [Pāṇ. 3-1, 87] , Vārtt. 15 and, [Dhātup. xxvi, 69] ), [TS.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ŚrS.] ; (in older language only Ā. ) to emit from one's self i.e. create, procreate, produce, beget, [RV.] &c. &c.; to procure, grant, bestow, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to use, employ, [Rājat.] ; to get, acquire, obtain, take (interest on money lent), [Mn. viii, 140] ; to hang on, fasten to ( loc. ), [MBh. iii, 2218] (perhaps असृजत्, w.r. for असजत्; See √ सञ्ज्) : Pass. सृज्यते ( aor. अ॑सर्जि), to be let loose or emitted or created, [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. सर्जयति, °ते ( aor. अससर्जत् or असीसृजत्), to cause to let loose, let go, create &c., [Br.] &c.: Desid. सिसृक्षति, °ते, to wish to send forth or hurl or throw, [Hariv.] ; ( Ā. ) to wish to produce or create, [Kāṭh.] ; [BhP.] : Intens. सरीसृज्यते, सरीसृष्टि &c. Gr. सृज् 2. (ifc. ) letting loose, emitting, discharging, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. producing, creating, begetting (also with gen. ), [Inscr.] ; [MBh.] ; [Rājat.]