अभि-√ धा 1.-दधाति, to surrender any one to (dat. ; aor. Subj. 2. du. -धातम्), [RV. i, 120, 8] ; to bring upon ( dat. ), [RV. ii, 23, 6] : Ā. (rarely P. ) to put on or round, put on the furniture of a horse ( cf. अभि॑-हीत below), [RV.] &c.; to cover (a country) with an army, [MBh. ii, 1090] ; to cover, protect, [RV. viii, 67, 5] ( aor. Pot. 2. pl. -धेतन), &c.; (in classical Sanskṛt generally) to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name ( cf. अभि॑-हित below) : Pass. -धीयते, to be named or called: Caus. -धापयते, to cause to name, [ĀśvGṛ.] : Desid. Ā. -धि॑त्सते, to intend to cover one's self, [RV. x, 85, 30.] अभि-धा f. 2.f. name, appellation the literal power or sense of a word, [Sāh.] a word, sound, [L.] अभि-धा mf. mf. (आ॑स्) surrounding, [VS. xxii, 3.]