ओजस् n. n. (√ वज्, or उज्; cf. उग्र), bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability, power, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] &c. vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body), [Suśr.] &c. (in rhet. ) elaborate style (abounding with compounds) vigorous or emphatic expression, [Sāh.] ; [Vām.] water, [L.] light, splendour, lustre, [L.] manifestation, appearance, [L.] support, [L.] ओजस् m. m.N. of a यक्ष, [BhP.] ; ओजस् [cf. Zd. avjaṅh, ‘power’; Gk. ὑγ-ιές, αὐγ-ή, ἐρι-αυγής; Lat. vigēre, augere, augur, augus-tus, auxilium; Goth. aukan, Eng. eke.]