Dictionaries | References


   { kaṅkḥ, kaṅka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   The name which Dharmaputra bore when he spent his life incognito at the palace of the king of Virāṭa. (see under Dharmaputra).
KAṄKA I   one of the seven famous archers of the Vṛṣṇi dynasty. The seven are: Kṛtavarmā, Anādhṛṣṭi, Samīka, Samitiñjaya, Kaṅka, Śaṅku and Kunti. [Chapter 14, Sabhā Parva] .
KAṄKA II   A king of ancient india. [Śloka 233, Chapter 1, Ādi Parva] .
KAṄKA III   A bird, son of Surasā. [Śloka 69, Chapter 66, Ādi Parva] .
KAṄKA V   A place of habitation of ancient india. this place was given to Dharmaputra as a gift by the inhabitants of the place. [Chapter 51, Sabhā Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कङ्क  m. m. (fr. the above according to, [T.] ), a heron (the first heron is supposed to be a son of सुरसा, [MBh. i, 2633] ), xxiv, 31">[VS. xxiv, 31] ; [SV.] ; [MBh.] ; [Mṛcch.] &c.
   a kind of mango, [L.]
   N. of यम, [L.]
   of several men, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [BhP.] &c.
   a N. assumed by युधिष्ठिर (before king विराट, when in the disguise of a Brāhman), [MBh. iv]
   a false or pretended Brāhman, [L.]
   a man of the second or military tribe, [L.]
   one of the eighteen divisions of the continent, ---14---
कङ्क  m. m. pl.N. of a people, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [VarBṛS.]
कङ्क  fn. f( and ). N. of a daughter of उग्रसेन (and sister of कङ्क), ---18--- ; [VP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कङ्कः [kaṅkḥ]   1 A heron; [Mb.11.16.7.]
   A variety of mango.
  N. N. of yama.
   A Kṣatriya.
   A Vṛiṣṇi.
   A false or pretended Brāhmaṇa.
   name assumed by Yudhiṣṭhira in the palace of Virāṭa.
   one of the 18 divisions of the continent.
  N. N. of a people (pl.); cf. कङ्कस्तरङ्गे गुप्ते च गृध्ने काके युधिष्ठिरे । कूले मधुरिपौ कोके पिके वैवस्वतेऽप्यथ ॥ [Nm.]
   ङ्का A sort of sandal.
   scent of the lotus. -Comp.
-त्रोटः, -टिः   a kind of fish.
-पत्र a.  a. furnished with the feathers of a heron. (-त्रः) an arrow furnished with a heron's feathers; नखप्रभाभूषितकङ्कपत्रे [R.2.31;] [U.4.2;] [Mv.1.18.] (-त्रम्) a heron's feather fixed on an arrow.
-पत्रिन्  m. m. = कङ्कपत्रः.
   माला a kind of musical instrument.
   beating time by the clapping of hands.
-मुख, -वदन a.  a. shaped like a heron's mouth. (-खः,
-खम्), -वदनम्   a pair of tongs; शल्यानि व्यपनीयकङ्कवदनैरुन्मोचिते कङ्कटे [Ve.5.1.]
-वासस्  m. m. An arrow (कङ्कपत्र); असंपातं करिष्यन्ति पतन्तः कङ्कवाससः [Rām.5.21.26.]
-शायः   a dog (sleeping like a heron).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कङ्क  m.  (-ङ्कः)
   1. A heron.
   2. yama or death.
   3. A false or pretended brahman.
   4. A title of YUDISHṬHIRA, from his assuming the dis- guise of a brahman.
   5. A man of the second or military tribe.
   6. one of the eighteen divisions of the continent.
   7. The brother of kansa.
   8. A kind of mango.
  f.  (-ङ्का)
   1. A daughter of UGRASENA. 2. A sort of sandal.
   E. ककि to go, अच् aff.
ककि अच्

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