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   { cēdiḥ, cedi }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CEDI   A king of the Yaduvaṁśa.
1) Genealogy.
Descending in order from Viṣṇu:--Brahmā- Atri--Candra--Budha--Purūravas--Āyus--Nahuṣa-- Yayāti--Yadu--Kroṣṭhā--Vrajīnavān--Śvāhi-- Ruśeka--Citraratha--Śaśabindu--Pṛthuśravas-- Dharma--Rucaka-Jyāmagha-Vidarbha--Romapāda-- Bhadru--Kṛta--Uśika--Cedi. The Cedi dynasty begins from Cedi and the land ruled over by Cedi came to be known as Cedirājya.
2) Other details regarding King Cedi.
1) Once Uparicaravasu conqueredt his land. [Śloka 2, Chapter 63, Ādi Parva] . 2) Kareṇumatī, wife of Nakula, was a princess of Cedi rājya. [Śloka 79, Chapter 95, Ādi Parva] . 3) Once Śiśupāla reigned over this country. After his death his son Dhṛṣṭaketu was crowned king. [Śloka 36, Chapter 45, Sabhā Parva] . 4) During the period of Nala, Cedirājya was ruled by king Subāhu. Damayantī lived in his palace very comfortably. [Śloka 44, Chapter 65, Vana Parva] . 5) Dhṛṣṭaketu, a king of Cedi, came to the help of the Pāṇḍavas with an akṣauhiṇī [an army of 21870 chariots, equal number of elephants, 65610 horses and 10930 infantry men.]. [Śloka 7, Chapter 19, Udyoga Parva] . 6) The Kṣatriya warriors of this state helped Śrī Kṛṣṇa in many ways. [Śloka 11, Chapter 28, Udyoga Parva] . 7) Cedi was counted as one of the prominent kingdoms of ancient Bhārata. [Śloka 40, Chapter 9, Bhīṣma Parva] .


चेदि n.  (सो. यदु. रोमपाद.) उशिक का पुत्र । यह विदर्भपुत्र रोमपाद के वंश में से एक था । इससे चैद्यनृप पैदा हुएँ ।[भा.९. २४. १-२] ; चिदि, शिशुपाल तथा कशु वैद्य देखिये । चेदि देश विंध्य के पश्चिम भाग में था । इस देश के नृप महाभारतादि ग्रंथो में प्रसिद्ध है ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चेदि  m. m.pl.N. of a people (who lived in Bundelkhand; renowned for their attachment to ancient laws and institutions, [MBh.] ; their capital was शुक्तिमती; some of their kings were वसुउपरिचर, सुबाहु, धृष्ट-केतु, दम-घोष, शिशु-पाल &c.), [RV. viii, 5, 39] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
चेदि  m. m.sg.N. of the supposed ancestor of the चेदिs (son of कैशिक or उशिक), [BhP. ix, 24, 2.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चेदिः [cēdiḥ]  m. m. (pl.) N. of a country; तदीशितारं चेदीनां भवां- स्तमवमंस्त मा [Śi.2.95,63.] -Comp.
-पतिः, -भूभृत्  m. m.,-राज् m.,
-राजः  N. N. of Śiśupāla, son of Damaghośa and king of the Chedis; [Śi.2.96;] see शिशुपाल.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चेदि  m.  (-दिः) The name of a country, perhaps the modern Chandail. m. plu. (-दयः) The inhabitants of Chedi. देशभेदे, सोऽभिजनोऽस्य अणः तद्राजाणश्च बहुत्वे लुक् .

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