ज्ञा 1.cl. 9. P. Ā. जाना॑ति, °नीते॑ (cf. [Pāṇ. 1-3, 76] ; Subj. °नत्; Impv. °नीतत्, 2. sg. °नीहि॑, once irr. ज्ञ, [BhP. x, 89, 46] ; [fr. cl. 3.] जिजाहि, [MBh. xiii, 4493] ; 2. pl. irr. °नत, ii, 2397; 2. sg. Ā. irr. °नसे, [Divyâv. xviii] ; p. °न॑त्, °नान॑irr. °नमान [[MBh.] ]; pf. जज्ञौ, °ज्ञे [Pass. [Rājat. v, 481] ], 3. pl. °ज्ञु॑र्, [RV. vii, 79, 4] ; [ŚBr. xi] ; p. °ज्ञान॑, [RV. x, 14, 2] ; fut. ज्ञास्यति, °ते; aor. अज्ञासीत्, °स्तPass. अ॑ज्ञायि, vi, 65, 1 &c.; Pot. ज्ञायात् or ज्ञेय्°, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 68] ; 2. sg. ज्ञेयस् = γνοίης[RV. ii, 10, 6] ; inf. ज्ञातुम्) to know, have knowledge, become acquainted with (acc. ; rarely gen. [MBh. iii, 2154] ; [Hariv. 7095] ), perceive, apprehend, understand (also with inf. [[Pāṇ. 3-4, 65] ] [MBh. ii, v] ; [Daś.] ), experience, recognise, ascertain, investigate, [RV.] &c.; to know as, know or perceive that, regard or consider as (with double acc. e.g. तस्य मां तनयां जानीत, ‘know me to be his daughter’ [MBh. iii, 2476] ; with मृषा, ‘to consider as untrue’ [Ratnâv. ii, 18] ), [Mn.] &c.; to acknowledge, approve, allow, [VS. xviii, 59 f.] ; [AV. ix, 5, 19] ; [ŚBr. i, xi, xiv] ; to recognise as one's own, take possession of [SaddhP.] ; to visit as a friend, [AV. x, 1, 25] ; to remember (with gen. ), [MBh. xii, 5169] ; Ā. to engage in (gen. e.g. सर्पिषो, ‘to make an oblation with clarified butter’), [Pāṇ. 1-3, 45; 2-3, 51] : Caus. ज्ञपयति, to teach any one (acc. ), [ŚāṅkhŚr. xv] ; ज्ञाप्° (Pass. ज्ञाप्यते) to make known, announce, teach anything, [MBh. ii, xii] ; [Kāty.] and, [Pat.] ; to inform any one (gen. ) that (double acc. ), [MBh. i, 5864] ; Ā. to request, ask, [ChUp. ii, 13, 1] (ज्ञप्°), [MBh. iii, 8762] (ज्ञाप्°) : Desid. जिज्ञासते ([Pāṇ. 1-3, 57] ; ep. also P. ) to wish to know or become acquainted with or learn, investigate, examine, [Mn. ii, 13] ; [MBh.] &c.; to wish for information about (acc. ), [Kathās. xxii, 84] ; to conjecture, [AV. xiv, 1, 56] : Caus. Desid. जिज्ञपयिषति (also °ज्ञाप्°, [Siddh.] ) and ज्ञीप्सति (cf. °प्स्यमान), to wish to make known or inform, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 & 4, 5] ; ([cf. γνῶ-θι &c.]) ज्ञा f. af.N. of a woman, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 163] ; [Pat.] ; ज्ञा mfn. bmfn.ifc. ‘knowing, familiar with’ See ऋत-, पद- and प्र-ज्ञा॑, अ॑-सं-. ज्ञा f. 3.f. for आ-ज्° (by irr. Sandhi after ए and ओ), [MBh. i, 3168; iii, 16308.]