तपन mfn. mfn. warming, burning, shining (the sun), [MBh. i, v] ; [R. vi, 79, 57] causing pain or distress, [RV. ii, 23, 4; x, 34, 6] ; [AV. iv, xix] तपन m. m. (g. नन्द्य्-आदि) the sun, [MBh. i, vi, xiii] ; [R. i, 16, 11] ; [Ragh.] &c. heat, [L.] the hot season, [L.] महा N. of a hell (cf. -), [Mn. iv, 89] ; [Buddh.] N. of an अग्नि, [Hariv. 10465] आग्नेय अगस्त्य (cf. ), [L.] Semecarpus Anacardium, [Npr.] -च्छद = (or ‘a white kind of it’ [Npr.] ), [L.] Premna spinosa, [L.] Cassia Senna, [Npr.] the civet cat, [Gal.] -मणि = , [L.] N. of a यक्ष, [MBh. i, 32, 18] of a रक्षस्, [R. vi] तपन n. n. (°न॑) the being hot, burning, heat, [TBr. ii, 2, 9, 1 f.] pining, grieving, mental distress, [Kāṭh. xxviii, 4] ; [Sāh. iii] तपन cf. गोपाल-, त्रिपु॑र, राम-.